03/03/2025 0 Comments
Prayer Diary for March
Prayer Diary for March
# Church Without Walls

Prayer Diary for March
St Albright’s Church, Stanway. Prayer Diary. March.
1st: We pray for residents of Lace Wing Green. David, Patron Saint of Wales, 601ad. Monk, Bishop. He was kind, compassionate, with emphasis on hard work. We pray for St Albright’s Church and Stanway Community.
2nd: We pray for residents of Rose Ave. Ash Wednesday. In view of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Pope and Archbishops of York and Canterbury are supporting a Global Day of Prayer and fasting for peace We pray for pioneering work in Stanway.
3rd: We pray for residents of Leopard Gardens. John and Charles Wesley: Evangelists, Open Air Preachers and Hymn Writers. We pray for Stanway Parish Council.
4th: We pray for residents of Rhino Drive. Adrian of May Island 875ad. May Island became a centre of pilgrimage. We pray for Bright’s, St Albright’s Tots and Rise and Shine.
5th: We pray for residents of Sealion Approach. Non, Mother of St David. We pray for families with young children.
6th: We pray for residents of Bridle Way. We pray for our King and members of his government. We pray for areas of the world where there is conflict and unrest.
7th: We pray for residents of Centaury Close. We pray for Chaplains in hospitals and hospices. We pray to for our Diocesan Bishops and Clergy.
8th: We pray for residents of Red Panda Road. Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln 1910 and Professor of Theology at Oxford. His gift was his example of pastoral care to Clergy and Laity alike. We pray for other churches in Stanway.
9th: We pray for residents of Wallaby Way. We pray for our local schools: Lakelands, Fiveways, Stanway Primary and Secondary Schools and our Special Needs School.
10th: We pray for residents of Lemur Lane. We pray for our Uniform Groups: Rainbows and Brownies. We pray too for Stanway Youth and local Sports Teams.
11th: We pray for residents of Penguin Parade. We pray for all in residential Care Homes, especially those in Loganberry Lodge. We pray for all Carers and those who visit the lonely in their own homes.
12th: We pray for residents of Wombat Street. We pray for our Pastoral and Ministry teams, for those who visit the Sick and Bereaved. We pray for nurses and doctors.
13th: We pray for residents of Crossbills Walk. We pray for Stanway ECO Group and that we act as good stewards of the earth. We pray for all who work in the Police Force, Ambulance and Emergency Services.
14th: We pray for residents of Charles Bee Way. We pray for the work of Mothers’ Union, and we pray for mothers everywhere.
15th: We pray for residents of Finch Road. We pray for those who are still suffering from “long Covid.” We pray too for the vulnerable and those still needing to isolate.
16th: We pray for residents of Moorhen Drift. We pray for local retail and businesses in Stanway.
17th: We pray for residents of Nuthatch Close. St Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland,460 ad. Patrick was aware that all he achieved was by the grace of God. We pray for the Lent Book Club.
18th: We pray for residents of Partridge Way. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem. His teaching was profoundly orthodox and sound. We pray for those to be Baptised this year.
19th: We pray for residents of Peter Crowe Approach. Joseph of Nazareth---a good man and a working carpenter. He trusted in God and fulfilled the role of Jesus’ earthly father. We pray for all fathers and local craftsmen (and crafts women!)
20th: We pray for residents of Pipit Court. Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, 687ad.We pray for all whose Banns will be called this year and for those who will be married in our church this year.
21st: We pray for residents of Dawnford Close. Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury,1556. He was a Reformation Martyr. We give thanks for our local parks, orchards and play areas.
22nd: We pray for residents of Plover Rd. We pray for those suffering abuse from parents or partners. We pray for the work of Samaritans, Childline and our Diocesan Safeguarding Team.
23rd; We pray for residents of Redshank Rd. We pray for those experiencing financial difficulties, loss of employment. We give thanks for the Foodbank and those reaching out to people in need.
24th: We pray for residents of Redwing Close. We pray for the appointment of our new Office Administrator. We pray for members of the PCC as they undertake their various duties.
25th: We pray for residents of Damask Rd. Annunciation to the Virgin Mary that she was to be the Mother of Jesus.
26th: We pray for residents of Rook End. Harriet Mansell, founder of the Community of John the Baptist, 1885. She undertook a range of Social Work. We pray for our local community groups.
27th: We pray for residents of Skylark Way. Give thanks that soon Ladies’ Fellowship and Parish Lunches will resume.
28th: We pray for residents of Dugard Avenue. We pray for our Choir, Organist and the joy of music.
29th: We pray for residents of Wagtail Mews. We pray for farmers and all who work on land and sea.
30th: We pray for residents of Stone Chat Drive. We pray for the restoration of the church in Norfolk which was recently gutted by fire. We pray too for the congregation, having to worship elsewhere until the church is restored.
31st: We pray for residents of Warbler Grove. We pray for those on our Prayer List and those who have asked for our Prayers.
Pam Higham
01206 768817