02/07/2024 0 Comments
Prayer Diary for July
Prayer Diary for July
# Church Without Walls

Prayer Diary for July
St Albright’s Church, Stanway. Prayer Diary. July.
1st: We pray for residents of Aldridge Grove. Henry, John and Henry Venn, the Younger, Priests 1797/1873. Founders of the Church Missionary Society. We pray for our Ministry team, Church Wardens and P.C.C.
2nd: We pray for residents of Brougham Glades. Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Angel Gabriel told her that she had been chosen to be the mother of Jesus. We pray for the work of Essex Churches Trust. We give thanks for those who seek to preserve our ancient buildings.
3rd: We pray for residents of Foxendale Folly. Thomas, the Apostle-sometimes known as “doubting Thomas” because he found it hard to believe reports of Jesus’ Resurrection. We pray for Tots and Brights.
4th: We pray for residents of Albertine Close. Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397ad. We pray for Food Banks, the homeless, refugees and those in financial difficulties.
5th: We pray for residents of Joe Firmin Close. N.H.S. Foundation Day. We give thanks for our Health Service. We pray for all who work in our local hospitals and those who work in the Ambulance and Air Ambulance Services.
6th: We pray for residents of Harrison’s Walk. Thomas More, John Fisher, Reformation Martyrs, 1535. We pray for those involved in the Ministry to the Deaf in our Diocese.
7th: We pray for residents of Holliwell Close. Thomas Beckett, Archbishop of Canterbury. Martyr, 1170. We pray for teaching on environmental and ethical issues, seeking to love God and His world.
8th: We pray for residents of Ian Rose Drive. We pray for our Royal family and all who take authority in this and other nations. We pray for the General Synod, the Diocesan Synod and the Deanery Synod.
9th: We pray for residents of Judd’s Farm Croft. We pray for medical teams working around the world in disaster areas, (Doctors without Borders, M.S.F.) We pray for all areas where there is warfare and human suffering.
10th: We pray for residents of Lambourne Close. We pray for the Mission to Seafarers, and all go to rescue those in difficulty on the sea.
11th: We pray for residents of Damask Road. Benedict of Nursia, Father of Western Monasticism, 550ad. We pray for all vulnerable children. We pray for those with mental health problems or physical disabilities.
12th: We pray for residents of Laurence Byrne Avenue. We pray for Archbishops, Bishops and Clergy. All ministers of God’s Word and Sacraments. We pray for those taking part in Bible Study Courses and Prayer Groups.
13th: We pray for residents of Lithgow Drive. We pray for our local Community. We give thanks for the beauty of God’s world and the changing seasons.
14th: We pray for residents of Martin Hunt Drive. John Keeble, Priest, Poet, 1866. We pray for all in Care Homes, especially those in Loganberry Lodge.
15th: We pray for residents of Maskell Way. Swithin, Bishop of Winchester, 865 ad. Trusted adviser to King Egbert in Winchester. We pray for our local schools, as they approach the end of a school year.
16th: We pray for residents of Meerkat Mews. Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury, 1099. He took part in collecting the information for the Domesday Book. We pray for colleges creating apprenticeship schemes.
17th: We pray for residents of Miles Close. Rural Missions Day. We pray for all who work on land or sea.
18th: We pray for residents of Halstead Road. Elizabeth Ferard, first Deaconess of the Church of England, 1862. We pray for the work of the Citizens Advice Bureau, especially helping with debt and housing problems.
19th: We pray for residents of Millers Lane. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, Teacher of the Faith, 394ad. We pray for our Diocese, as we continue to discern where God is calling us in future planning.
20th: We pray for residents of Old Chapel Drive. Margaret of Antioch, Martyr, 4th century ad. We pray for all whose Banns will be called and those who will be married this year.
21st: We pray for residents of Kale Croft. We pray for those struggling with health problems or addictions. We pray for the Samaritans and other support agencies.
22nd: We pray for residents of Musk Close. Mary Magdalene, “Apostle to the Apostles.” She was with Jesus at the Crucifixion and was the first to see the Risen Lord. She was sent to take the good news to the disciples.
23rd: We pray for residents of Osier Close. Bridget of Sweden, Abbess of Vadstena, 1373. She founded a Monastery for Monks and Nuns. She spent time in Rome ministering to the needy. We pray for Ukrainian families settling in Colchester.
24th: We pray for residents of Shepherd’s Croft. We pray for East Anglian Children’s Hospices. We pray for the newly Baptised and those who will be Baptised this year.
25th: We pray for residents of Threshers’ End. James, the Apostle: one of the first to be called by Jesus to “follow Him.” We pray for the Church without Walls and for Pioneer Ministry.
26th: We pray for residents of Woodrush End. Anne and Joachim, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We pray for all parents.
27th: We pray for residents of Tudor Rose Close. Brooke Foss Wescott, Bishop of Durham. Founder of the Clergy Training College in Cambridge (now Wescott House.) We pray for those who are training to be priests.
28th: We pray for residents of Sweet Briar Road. We pray for those who work in the travel industry and for those preparing to go on holiday.
29th: We pray for residents of Turkey Cock Lane. Mary, Martha and Lazarus, companions of our Lord and He visited their home. May we show kindness, love and hospitality to others.
30th: We pray for residents of Wheatfield Road. William Wilberforce, Social Reformer, anti-slave trade campaigner. 1853. We pray for loved ones who are ill and those who have asked for our prayers.
31st: We pray for residents of Winstree Road. Joseph of Arimathea, who recovered Jesus’ body after the Crucifixion and arranged for its burial. We pray for those who have died and for those who are grieving.
Pam Higham,
01206 768817.