31/07/2024 0 Comments
Prayer Diary for August
Prayer Diary for August
# Church Without Walls

Prayer Diary for August
1st: We pray for residents of Osprey Close. Lammas Day: Feast of the First Fruits—beginning of Harvest. Thanksgiving for the Harvest and those who work on Land and Sea.
2nd: We pray for residents of Ostrich Street. We pray for those with power over War and Peace. We pray for Peace in the world and for all areas of conflict and unrest.
3rd: We pray for residents of Otter Place. We pray for the Churches’ Conservation Trust (C.C.T.) We pray for those experiencing “Chomping” in our ancient churches. (Camping overnight!)
4th: We pray for residents of Peace Road. We give thanks for the many gifts God bestows upon us and the times we take them for granted or squander them. We pray for our Bishops, the life of this Diocese and those who Minister to us.
5th: We pray for residents of Pearmain Way. Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr. We pray for our Royal Family and for the Leaders of all Nations as they seek to tackle injustice, poverty and natural disasters.
6th: We pray for residents of Peartree Road. Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord. We pray for public employers, for the local business sector, those working in retail and local restaurants.
7th: We pray for residents of Provence Close. We pray for the work of Leprosy Mission. We pray for the countries where leprosy is still a major problem.
8th: We pray for residents of Radvald Chase. Dominic, Founder of the Order of Preachers. 1221.We pray for Tots, Brights, and our local children’s groups.
9th: We pray for residents of Rambler Close. Mary Sumner, Founder of Mothers’ Union 1921. We pray for all Mothers and Families around the world.
10th: We pray for residents of Ringlet Lane. St Laurence, Deacon and Martyr at Rome 258ad. We pray for all with health needs and all who minister to them in hospitals, hospices and care agencies.
11th: We pray for residents of Rogation Close. Clare of Assisi, Founder of “Poor Clare’s” 1253. She chose a contemplative life with dependence on God. “Blessed be God for having created me.”
12th: We pray for residents of Rose Avenue. We pray for all to be Baptised this year. We pray for all who are to be married at St Albright’s this year and all who are having their Banns called.
13th: We pray for residents of Rowan Close. Florence Nightingale, 1910. Nurse, Social Reformer. We pray for all nurses and those working in the medical and caring professions. We pray for St Thomas’ Hospital, founded by Florence Nightingale.
14th: We pray for residents of Rugosa Close. Maximilian Kolbe, Friar, Martyr. He witnessed in Auschwitz and died there in 1941. He offered his life for another. We pray for our Pastoral team and those visiting the sick and bereaved.
15th: We pray for residents of Rye Close. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We pray for all who help lead our worship: Choir, Servers, Readers, Intercessors, Sides people.
16th: We pray for
residents of Saddle Mews. Charles Inglis, first Bishop of Nova Scotia. We pray for all Ministers in whatever part of the world they serve.
17th: We pray for residents of Sandmartin Crescent. We give thanks for those who care for our Hall. We pray for our Foodbanks and local Restaurants offering cheap meals for children during school holidays.
18th: We pray for residents of Skipper Grove. We pray for the Stanway Environment Group. We pray for all other Churches in the Stanway area.
19th: We pray for residents of Spring Sedge Close. We pray for Residents of Loganberry Lodge and all who care for them. We pray for Air Ambulance in its new Headquarters, for the Police, Fire Service and all other Rescue Services.
20th: We pray for residents of St Albright’s Close. William and Mary Booth, Founders of the Salvation Army. We pray for the work of the Salvation Army and their strong commitment to the poor.
21st: We pray for residents of Frensham Close. We pray for our Outreach Ministry of Coffee Mornings, Stanwell Hub, Prayer Groups and Bible Study.
22nd: We pray for residents of Cowslip Court. We pray for those who have died recently. We pray for their families as they mourn the loss of a loved one.
23rd: We pray for the residents of Egremont Way. We pray for our local schools, teachers and governors. All who are involved in education. We pray for all who are due to receive results of G.C.S.E., A. Level and other exams today.
24th: We pray for residents of Sweet Briar Road. Bartholomew, the Apostle. Martyred 68ad. He proclaimed Jesus as the Son of God. Strengthen us to witness to your truth in our daily lives.
25th: We pray for residents of Jubilee Close. We give thanks for the many gifts God bestows: the summer warmth, refreshing rain, ripening crops, fragrant flowers, living creatures, family and friends.
26th: We pray for the residents of Albertine Walk. We pray for the Eco Church Scheme to be carbon neutral in the years to come. We give thanks for those who keep our church clean and for the lovely Floral arrangements that enhance the beauty of our church.
27th: We pray for residents of Beacon Way. Monica, Mother of Augustine of Hippo. Through Prayer, she encouraged Augustine. May we too be persistent in prayer.
28th: We pray for residents of Darnel Way. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo. As a young boy, he rejected Christianity., but through his mother’s prayers, he eventually became a faithful Bishop and Teacher. He died in 430ad.
29th: We pray for residents of Lakeside Walk. Beheading of John the Baptist, called to be the forerunner of Jesus. We pray for improvement in Mental Health Care for children.
30th: We pray for residents of Charles Bee Way. John Bunyan, Spiritual Writer 1688. Author of Pilgrim’s Progress. Salvation of the Soul was what mattered to him.
31st: We pray for residents of Church Lane. Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary. 651ad. He became involved in the training of Priests. We pray for all who have recently been accepted to train as Priests.
Pam Higham.
01206 768817.