02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the week – w/b 14th March
Thought for the week – w/b 14th March
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the week – w/b 14th March
He carried into exile all Jerusalem – 2 Kings 24: 14
“ He carried away all Jerusalem, all the officials, all the warriors, ten thousand captives, all the artisans and the smiths; no one remained, except the poorest people of the land.”
I cannot write this without feeling for the people of Ukraine with Russia invading their country and the atrocities they are having to face.
I was watching a television journalist reporting live from Kyiv this week, wearing a flak jacket, clutching a microphone and crouching near to the ground, his voice was almost drowned out by the noise around him, the crash of mortar shells exploding and the staccato notes of gunfire.
Listening to it all I realised that, compared with today’s battles, ancient conflicts must have been far less noisy. The war cries, the frightened and anguished screams of terribly injured soldiers, the absolute terror of innocent women and children were all the same, as the army of the king of Babylon was struggling to capture Jerusalem. But there were no explosives or gunfire. Then, of course, came the process of exile, being forced to leave everything familiar and face the unknown. Exile in Babylon is hard to imagine. Away from home. It’s not voluntary. It’s not a holiday – not ten days with a package deal, with a couple of cultural visits thrown in. This was REAL. They were helpless, walking to a strange land with only what they could carry. Nothing was the same, and their memories, though painful and overwhelming, had to be suppressed enabling them to begin the planting of their new lives.
Compare the above scenario to the present-day situation in Ukraine.
Look around your home, your house or your flat, your favourite room and ask yourself this question:
“If you were compelled to leave suddenly, as many Ukrainian people have been, and simply take what you could carry, what would you choose?”
If you have small children, then the answer is simple. But what else? You will be walking for days, weeks, months, only the strongest and least burdened will survive. What is most precious to you? What is it that holds your memories?
When watching the news on the television we are tempted to ask ‘Why?” and there is no answer, all we can do is offer our prayers to God in the knowledge that He will answer them. The people of the surrounding countries are so kind, loving and caring towards those fleeing to safety.
Remember, God is there in the suffering, even though our shouting drowns out his gentle voice.
Lord, you said when we pass through the fire it will not burn us, that passing through the waters you will be with us, and through the rivers, we will not be overwhelmed. Undefeated, we will stand. We are not to fear this day or any other. With a growing joy we can face today and leave our tomorrows with you. Thank you. Amen.
Penny Bonham