02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the week - w/b 29 November
Thought for the week - w/b 29 November
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the week - w/b 29 November
I love the season of advent with all it’s hope and expectation. I love counting down the days to Christmas with my family and enjoying our advent calendars together. I love the advent wreath and all that it symbolises. One of the advent candles represents the prophets. Think of all the prophecies concerning Jesus throughout the old testament. Micah had said that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Psalm 2 explains that he will be the son of God. Isaiah says he will heal the broken-hearted. And Zechariah states he will be called King. There are many more prophecies all the way back to Genesis, and I encourage you to look them up some time. So, God’s people had been waiting literally for generations for Jesus to come and they had lots of indications from God about what he would be like.
Simeon lived in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would see Messiah before he died, which was amazing considering how long people had been waiting. When Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple after his birth, Simeon was in the temple. He took Jesus in his arms and said “Now God, you may let your servant die in peace. My eyes have seen your saviour, a light for the Gentiles and glory of your people Israel.”(Luke chapter 2). Anna was a prophetess who stayed in the temple day and night, fasting and praying. She was 84 years old when she met Jesus that same day. She knew that Messiah had come and told many people about him.
I wonder what God is speaking today….. what is He saying to you, to me, to our families and friends? What is he saying to Stanway and to Colchester? Just as God spoke through His Holy Spirit to the prophets, including Simeon and Anna, so he can speak to us today. Throughout advent, as you wait, ask God to speak to you as you read your Bible. Ask Him to speak to your heart about the situations you’re facing today. You might just be surprised when he answers your prayer to hear his voice.
Jo Jeffery