02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the week w/b 13th September
Thought for the week w/b 13th September
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the week w/b 13th September
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me .”
We live in a world where the “self” is exalted to the maximum but Jesus died to set us free from this. Freedom from ourselves and the “empty way of life handed down from our ancestors” (1 Peter 1 v 18); freedom from our own ego; freedom from our pride; freedom from our shame; freedom from our past and so much more.
When we think about handing control of our lives over to Jesus it can be a very scary prospect – we don’t want to lose our right to control. But when we do choose to give God the right to be our King and to say what goes, we actually find that what we gain is so much more valuable than what we could hold onto. Our control seems like dirty rags compared with the incomparable riches we find in Christ - when we truly find life, freedom, joy, and fulness.
God made us to be God focused rather than self-focused because He knows it’s better for us to live like that.
I encourage you this week to spend some time each day – even just 10 minutes – putting all your attention on loving Jesus. Find things to praise Him for and to thank Him for. As in the image, set your thoughts on loving Jesus rather than on all the things that worry and concern you. Set your thoughts on Jesus rather than on the person who has annoyed or hurt you. Set your thoughts on Jesus rather than on whatever else is occupying your mind. Really determine to keep your focus on Him. I wonder what freedom you will find if you choose to try this just once a day?
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. (Matthew 16:25)
Here’s a prayer that focuses entirely on Jesus. You might like to use it to help you with this challenge:
Jesus, you are wonderful. You are my King and you are my friend. You are the prince of peace and my good shepherd. You are the radiance of God’s splendour. You are the bright morning star. Jesus, you are all I need and I love you, Lord. Amen.