02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Week - w/b June 28th
Thought for the Week - w/b June 28th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Week - w/b June 28th
Count Jesus In
The weather has yet to catch up, but we have officially entered summertime. A time for picnics with family, with friends and look out for the plans of the ‘Church without walls’ team. Picnics remind me of one of the best-known miracles of Jesus, the feeding of the five thousand. A miracle that speaks of Jesus dealing with his disciples and with us.
The disciples returned weary and excited from a time of ministry. They were anxious to report back to Jesus. Jesus says to them ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’. Mark 6:31 So the disciples and Jesus went away in a boat to a solitary place, except when they get there it is not solitary it is crowded. Many who saw them leave guessed where they were going, they ran on ahead gathering others from all the towns to get there first. When Jesus landed and saw the crowd, he had compassion on them and began teaching them many things.
I imagine the disciples saying to each other ‘we thought this was going to be our time. Oh well we might as well sit down and listen’. How much of this had they heard before in other places. The day moves on. The disciples had not joined the Methodist or any other church, but they speak as we might, or is it only me? They try to sound good as though saying the right thing, but actually they are thinking of something that will please them. ‘Send the people away’, that would surely be the kind and caring thing. ‘Let them go to the surrounding villages to buy themselves something to eat’. Maybe they can find Mr Cohen’s shop, we call it Tesco now. But what are they really thinking? ‘Send them away so that we can have our day off, our time with you Jesus’. Jesus always knows what they are thinking, he knows what will be the most appropriate experience for them at this time. ‘You give them something to eat’.
You take responsibility, go and see what you have.
They find nothing except one lad who has come prepared, 5 loaves and 2 fish. He must also have come willing to share. I couldn’t eat 5 bread rolls in one meal, maybe he was hoping to swap some of his bread for some grapes. They bring the lad and his picnic to Jesus, probably expecting that Jesus will now agree that the best thing to do is to send the people away for the maths is surely ridiculous, 5 loaves + 2 fish divided by 5000 can only mean a few crumbs each. But Jesus tells the disciples to organise the people into groups of 50 & 100. He gave thanks to God for the food, broke the loaves and the fish for the disciples to share among the people. They all ate and were satisfied. 5 loves + 2 fish +Jesus = a picnic for 5000. Then Jesus calls the disciples to him and says ‘now go and collect the leftovers’. Surely that is stretching the maths, but no, there is enough for each of them to collect to fill a basket. Whenever we feel tired, weary, frustrated, losing the excitement of faith, the question must be: ‘have we counted Jesus in?’ Knowing our thoughts and knowing what is best for us, he may give us another task, a task that will give us an experience of his presence and his provision. Jesus always sees ahead of us, when we follow his instruction we will be led to abundant resources.
May summer blessings enrich your faith.
Rev Paul Howes
Supernumerary Minster, Colchester Methodist Circuit