02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Week - w/b October 19th
Thought for the Week - w/b October 19th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Week - w/b October 19th
Thy hand O God has guided
Thy flock from age to age.
Through many a day of darkness
Through many a scene of strife.
Thy mercy will not fail us, nor leave Thy work undone.
With Thy right hand to help us, the victory shall be won.
(from Hymn 485 English Hymnal)
Vocation!!! Calling!!! Discerning!!!
My Thought for the week is to follow on from Michael’s Ordination last week and a reflection on my Commissioning as a Lay Funeral Minister.
Sometimes people see gifts and qualities in us that we do not see ourselves and that is how my Pastoral Ministry began 18 years ago----a calling, through somebody else and my acceptance without hesitation. It has been a joy and a privilege to be alongside people, listening and being guided on how to respond. Gradually Bereavement visits became part of my role too: comforting people in their sadness, sometimes praying with them and accompanying them on their grief journey.
Much of my own journey has been with other people being guided to suggest my next steps. That, of course, was the same for Funeral Ministry and actually taking Funerals. I knew from Discernment that this was the way forward----but it needed to be God’s timing too: “Be still and know that I am God.” I wasn’t very good at being still! Finally, I was able to start training with one other, in the Diocese, to become an Authorised Lay Funeral Minister in the Church of England.
Last Thursday 15th October was a very special day for me when Bishop Roger commissioned me as a Lay Funeral Minister. I thank Tony for arranging such a beautiful service and his total support. I was delighted some people managed to be in church, including some of my own family.
We are not all called to take on “Authorised” roles, but particularly at this time of Covid and uncertainty, we are called to fulfil roles in daily life---a smile, a ‘phone call ,an offer of shopping, a donation to Food Bank and Listening.
May we meet each at their point of need and lift them in love.
Bring each life to the fullness of joy, purpose and peace.
May we live with one another in love, awake to frailty, grateful for grace and tender in patience. AMEN