02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - August 13th
Thought for the Day - August 13th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - August 13th
Thought of the day August 13, 2020
O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. Psalm 30: 2
On this the 13th.day of August, we remember John Logie Baird, a Scottish inventor and engineer who invented the first publicly demonstrated television system. Television is an important source of; news, entertainment and information for our society today, thanks to John Logie Baird and others. Without Television and other media apparatus, the ongoing Corona virus pandemic which has brought death, sickness and anguish to our world today and also the catastrophic accident in Beirut Lebanon with so many loss of lives will never be known by all of us. So let us thank God for: “all those things which bring us enjoyment, for books to read and for those who write them, for music and for those who write them, for radio and those who prepare the programmes, for television, the theatres and the cinema for work and pleasures of doing it well and for all that makes for richness in life. Amen
Today as well, we remember Florence Nightingale –also known as the “lady with the lamp”. Florence was very important in the nursing and caring for the wounded during the Crimean war. Florence had no care for fame and after the war, met with the then Queen Victoria to discuss ways to improve medical systems for the military, cleaning hospitals etc, leading to her becoming the founder of modern day Nursing in Britain. The work of Florence Nightingale becomes so significant especially at this time of the corona virus when our nurses and other medical staff have to be at the forefront of efforts to save lives in hospitals, in elderly people’s homes, in disaster areas and in all other areas where the life and health of people are threatened. For that and others we should be very grateful and thank God for people like Florence Nightingale. I would like us therefore to reflect and think about some statements by our Lord Jesus Christ on healing and caring in the Bible.
- Be cured (Luke 5:13)
- Get us and walk (Luke 5: 24)
- What do you want me to do for you? (Matthew: 20:13)
- Receive your sight (Luke 18: 42)
- Receive your hearing (Matt: 7: 34)]
Let us Prayer:
Lord who said in the gospel according “woman your faith (Mark 10:34) has healed you”, we thank you for the life of Florence Nightingale and all those working in the health and care sectors across our world who use their skills, talents and energy caring for the sick. May your blessing be upon them and grant them courage in their work. Father, we also pray that, you touch us individually and bring us healing of our bodies, minds and spirit now and always, In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Collect for the Day
Holy and loving God, you dwell in the human heart and make us partakers of the divine nature in Christ our great High Priest: help us who remember your servants Florence Nightingale and all those who work in the care and nursing of the sick, to put our trust and promises and follow a holy life in virtue and godliness; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen