02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - July 17th
Thought for the Day - July 17th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - July 17th
We have just celebrated the anniversary of our Health Service----72 years.
We continue to give thanks for our frontline workers who have all gone the extra mile over recent months and eventually there will be a statue to recognise this.
But where did it all originate? Usually from people who have been prepared to be “frontline” in difficult situations and have left us a good example of personal sacrifice and an incentive to go the extra mile.
Looking back, we have the example of Florence Nightingale, born in 1820 and known as the Lady with the Lamp.
She was born into a wealthy family and was highly educated by her father, BUT God spoke to her “to end suffering in the world.” From then on, she wanted to make healthcare available to everyone. She was a nurse in the Crimean War, a social reformer, a statistician and founder of modern nursing at St Thomas Hospital, London.
Maria Seacole (1855) was also a nurse during the Crimean War “She did not spare herself if she could do any good for the suffering soldiers.”
They did not want praise: they did what God wanted them to do, selflessly, to transform lives and make a difference: they went the extra mile.
Merciful God, you have compassion on all that you have made
And your whole creation is enfolded in your love: help us to stand firm for your truth,
to struggle against poverty, and to share your love with our neighbour, that we may be instruments of your peace: through Jesus Christ, Your Son our Lord. Amen. (Collect, Common of Saints.)
O God, govern everything by your wisdom, so that my soul may always be serving you in the way you will and not as I choose.
Rid me of all selfishness, so that I may serve you. Let me live for you, who are life itself. Amen.
(St (Teresa of Avila.)