02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - June 29th
Thought for the Day - June 29th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - June 29th
Thought for the Day 29th June 2020.
“Leave some gleanings behind when you harvest your grain or grapes, so that poor people and strangers may gather some food.”
This was a command way back in the Old Testament and there is a wonderful portrait in the Lambeth Bible (1140-50) of Ruth gleaning grain in the field of Boaz for Naomi---so that she and Naomi could eat---provision for the needy.
I have mentioned “Gleaning” in the Prayer Diary for today and seriously thought about it as people from a church in Chichester were “Gleaning” perfectly good strawberries— yet not fit for the commercial market. These were gathered and presented in love to people in alms houses and to the elderly, lonely and needy during the recent lock down. What joy was on the faces of those receiving the strawberries.
We give thanks for the Food Banks and our own Satellite Food Bank---but particularly give thanks for the joy and relief offered by those who donate.
It is not just food, though in “Gleaning:” it is the diverse, personal gifts that we have been given and are asked to share with those in need-----visiting, chatting, ‘phoning.
St Peter and St Paul whose festival we sometimes celebrate jointly today were very diverse people with diverse gifts but gave so much teaching and example from which we can richly “glean.”
Almighty God, you have made us for yourself,
So that our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.
Give us purity of heart and strength of purpose so that no selfishness
Or weakness on our part may prevent us from doing your will. AMEN.
(St Augustine.)