02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - June 18th
Thought for the Day - June 18th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - June 18th
After many weeks of being away from friends and family and in fact, regular worship in church, we may be wondering what our thoughts or prayers should be. Are we running out of inspiration or ideas? What is most important? Amid that turmoil of questions, I realise from one of the Lectionary Readings for today (St Matthew 6 v 7-15), we don’t need a “shopping list,” we only need one Prayer, which “says it all,”- The Lord’s Prayer.
This is a prayer we have been saying most of our life, but do we always think closely about what we are saying? Jesus covers everything in one prayer.
Firstly, we greet and worship our Heavenly Father---do we always remember to do this, or do we go straight into our “list?”
We dedicate ourselves to His service---"Thy will be done.”
We start our petitions, asking for the day’s needs. “Give us today our daily bread.”
We make our confession, asking for forgiveness, where we have failed and the grace to forgive those who have upset us.
We ask God to be with us and give us strength and guidance in challenging encounters.
Our Prayer Book Version ends with worship again: “For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory.” Amen. (Not in the Gospel version.)
“I am with you always, until the end of time.”
O God,
Fill us with adoring gratitude to you,
For all you are for us, to us and in us.
Fill us with joy, love, peace and all the fruits
Of your Spirit, through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
Amen. (Christina Rossetti.)