02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - May 18th
Thought for the Day - May 18th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - May 18th
Monday 18 May, 6th week of Easter
Kindness Matters
As it’s a Rogation Day, we begin today’s thought with praise to our God who, even out of the wilderness, brings pasture and rivers of goodness and joy:
Psalm 65:12-13
Be Joyful in God, all the earth!
May the pastures of the wilderness flow with goodness
and the hills be girded with joy.
May the meadows be clothed with flocks of sheep
and the valleys stand so thick with corn
that they shall laugh and sing.
A prayer for the beginning of this day and every day:
The night has passed, and the day lies open before us;
let us pray with one heart and mind.
Silence is kept.
As we rejoice in the gift of this new day,
so may the light of your presence, O God,
set our hearts on fire with love for you;
now and for ever.
I am conscious that with each passing week, this lockdown has consequences, not only on our economy, but on us as individuals and families. It feels hard, sometimes, to keep going with a spring in our step. It can feel lonely, especially if we are living alone, or self-isolating. Even if we are living with our family, we miss our friends, our hobbies and the general interaction with other people. In these times, where do we find joy? How can we find ways to keep ourselves mentally as well as physically healthy?
You may know that this week is Mental Health Awareness week in England. The focus that has been chosen for this week is Kindness: being kind to ourselves as well as to others. Research shows that simple acts of kindness are good for the giver and the receiver, boosting mental health and resilience. Each day this week the Mental Health Foundation UK is producing a short video on kindness. You can find today’s here: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week
One of the ways I find to be kind to myself, to enhance joy and to breath in the beauty and wonder of creation is taking time in my garden. Below is a picture of my first rose of the season, the promise of more beauty and fragrance to come!
And a song of worship and joy in our God and in the glory and beauty of creation:
Morning Has Broken, with lyrics: https://youtu.be/h8EsDwykBSI
Lord, as we come to you today, fill our hearts with the joy of knowing you,
In the wilderness as well as in the abundance of the garden.
May we see you more clearly
love you more dearly
Follow you more nearly
Day by day