02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - May 8th (VE Day)
Thought for the Day - May 8th (VE Day)
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - May 8th (VE Day)
Eastertide Blog, 8 May 2020: VE Day and Julian of Norwich ‘All shall be well’
Today we celebrate 75 years since the end of the war in Europe on VE Day 1945. On that day there was a tidal wave of euphoria as people poured out onto the streets to celebrate. This day marked the end of the Second World War, as well as a determination that there would never be another world war. Although we cannot celebrate in quite the style we would like, nevertheless we celebrate with services and picnics and broadcasts and speeches; remembering and celebrating Victory is a joyous thing!
Strange, then, that these celebrations should be marred by a different sort of battle: the war against a virus, Covid-19, which has already taken millions of lives across the world. There are many parallels in this war and the World Wars: to win them we need courage, resilience, strategy and a determination that, despite the cost to ourselves and our country, we will continue to fight together until we see victory. But there are also great differences, because our enemy is not a nation or people, it is a virus. One which the whole world together seeks to combat through different means, with a focus on finding a vaccine which will protect us and our children against the attack of the virus. In the meantime, we stay at home, we act wisely and we support those in our community who are serving on the ‘front line’. This year’s story of celebration in Lockdown, will, in a certain way, make history itself.
In an address to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day, Justin Welby called on people to honour the sacrifice of the 1945 generation by remembering reconciliation and holding on to hope. He reflected on "the years of courage and sacrifice" between a National Prayer Day in May 1940, when the outlook was bleak, and the end of the war in Europe on May 8 1945. The spirit of Hope needs to be kept alive today in the the same way as it was then.
Interestingly and poignantly, today is also the day in the church that we commemorate Julian of Norwich, who is best remembered by her sixteen ‘showings’ or Revelations of Divine Love received this day, 8th May, 1373. She was lying on what she thought was her deathbed (she lived for a further 20 years) when suddenly she saw Christ bleeding in front of her. She received insight into his sufferings and his love for us.
Julian’s message remains one of hope and trust in God, whose compassionate love is always given to us. Her reflection on adversity is one which is as pertinent today as it was then:
‘If there is anywhere on earth a lover of God who is always kept safe, I know nothing of it, for it was not shown to me. But this was shown: that in falling and rising again we are always kept in that same precious love.‘
So let us celebrate VE Day today: Victory over the enemy 75 years ago, and the knowledge that in our current battle against the Coronavirus, we will overcome. And in all things, our compassionate, loving God is with us. In the words of Julian of Norwich:
‘All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.’
Sing together: Lord for the Years
A prayer for VE Day
From the Act of Commitment for Peace
Lord God our Father,
we pledge ourselves to serve you and all humankind, in the cause of peace,
for the relief of want and suffering,
and for the praise of your name.
Guide us by your Spirit;
give us wisdom;
give us courage;
give us hope;
and keep us faithful now and always.