02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - April 27th
Thought for the Day - April 27th
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - April 27th
Thought of Day- April 27, 2020.
A student of history studying some of the devastating events now occurring in our world today-(this year) would know these things: the wildfires in Australia which burnt down forests and wildlife, locusts in East Africa which destroyed crops and villages and causing some famine there, earthquakes in places like Indonesia this year and now the Corona virus which is plaguing our world now, bringing death to our rainbow of nations and peoples- irrespective of race, colour, gender preference or creed. One might equate these events to the ten plagues in the Book of Exodus (Chapters 7 -10) and maybe cause one to conclude the end is nigh!!!
But, as Christians let us not forget what the Bible says “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 24:44). The fact that we do not know the time and hour means we must endeavour to live our lives as best as we can; loving God and having the God as our guide, inspirer and helper in all thing.
I am sure all of you have seen the rainbow sign above associated with the NHS during this period of COVID-19, but in another context, on the 26th. of April, 1994, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela- a great son of Africa was elected President of South Africa and he coined the term the Rainbow Nation, so that all the different ethnic groups in South Africa could try and forget their past ideas about each other and move forward as a united nation. A Physicist will tell you that, the rainbow is formed when white light upon passing through a medium like water is reflected, refracted and dispersed into the various beautiful colours we see. In the same way, I hope and pray that by this corona virus, all nations and all people will in future not consider themselves as “them” and “us” or “poor” and “rich “but all members form one source – God’s love. We should see the corona virus in these words that, “God is not destroying indiscriminately: He is punishing the world in love and in measure – to help mankind ultimately turn from the paths of destruction towards the way of truth and peace.” Finally, I would like to leave you with a translation of some the words of the South African National Anthem
“Bless our nation (world) Lord. And let your mercy come upon us. Let justice triumph in our land as we live and strive for freedom. Let our people (all of us) stand before you as you come to judge us. Stretch your hand O Lord and let have compassion on all of us”.
Prayer: O God, our Father, we know you are afflicted in all our afflictions, and in our sorrow we come to you at this time that you may comfort us and give us the peace which only you can give in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
My Hymn of the Day: https://youtu.be/4XSHigqeXgw ( Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer- Charlotte Church)