02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - April 3rd
Thought for the Day - April 3rd
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - April 3rd
I’m always reminded at this time of year of that wonderful children’s hymn ‘Tell me the stories of Jesus’. If you haven’t already started to sing it or smiled I’m sure you soon will. The words are simple, maybe old fashioned or sentimental, but they have a lovely message. I’m sure many of you will have fond memories of singing this hymn as a child, and it never fails to cheer people up, and certainly makes me fell happy when singing it.
The hymn has a lovely lilting tune, easy to sing and very memorable.
The first 3 verses talk about the many stories we are so familiar with in Jesus ministry, and after singing about Jesus and his encounter with children and calming the storm, we move to the triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the crowds waving their palm branches in verse 4. I’m sure we would have all been in the crowd if we had been there, shouting our loudest hosannas.Then the mood then changes in verse 5 and reminds us of the scene in the garden of bitter pain, and how Jesus went to the cross to die for us, taking the sins of the world through his death on the cross.
Then, in the last verse, we return to the triumph over death as Christ rises out of the grave, strong and triumphant.
I’m sure we are all looking forward to the day when we can rise triumph with Christ, at the end of this present pandemic situation and are able to meet and worship together again. Stay safe, keep praying and keep telling one another the stories of Jesus!
Mission praise 629
Tell me the stories of Jesus
I love to hear;
Things I would ask Him to tell me
If he were here;
Scenes by the wayside,
Tales of the sea,
Stories of Jesus,
Tell them to me.
First let me hear how the children
Stood round His knee;
That I may know of his blessing
Resting on me;
Words full of kindness,
Deeds full of grace,
Signs of the love found
In Jesus’ face.
Tell me, in words full of wonder,
How rolled the sea,
Tossing the boat in a tempest
On Galilee.
Jesus then doing
His Father’s will,
Ending the storm saying
Peace, peace, be still.’
Into the city I’d follow
The children’s band,
Waving a branch of the palm-tree
High in my hand;
One of his heralds,
Yes, I would sing
Loudest hosannas,
Jesus is King.
Show me that scene in the garden,
Of bitter pain;
And of the cross where my Saviour
For me was slain;
And, through the sadness,
Help me to see
How Jesus suffered
For love of me.
Gladly I’d hear of His rising
Out of the grave,
Living and strong and triumphant,
Mighty to save:
And how He sends us
All men to bring
Stories of Jesus,
Jesus, their King
W J Parker 1845-1929
Tune - Stories of Jesus - F A Challinor 1866-1952
Let us pray:
Loving God, keep our friends and families safe at this difficult time. May we know you are with us and all we love. Support all those who are fighting against the coronavirus and help those who have been struck down with the illness.
As we approach Easter, may we know your love for us in the resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ.