02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the Day - April 1st
Thought for the Day - April 1st
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the Day - April 1st
Thought for Day- 1st. April, 2020
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7).
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness” (1 Corinthians 3:19).
Change simply means to move from one state to another. Today, 1st of April marks the beginning of a new month. April (or in Latin Aprilis) means “to open” probably referring to the opening or blossoming of flowers and trees indicating a change from Winter to Spring. April is always important to Christians because it is mostly the month in which we celebrate the most important day on the Christian calendar, that is the day of Easter or the day of Christ’s resurrection from death, a day when our Lord Jesus Christ showed us death has no dominion over us if we only believe in Him and we will have eternal life, a life promised many times to us during His earthly ministry.
1st. of April is normally called April Fools’ Day, an event dating back to 1860 where pranks and jokes are made of others until 12.00 pm and about which Mark Twain once described as “the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other 364 days”. The Bible especially the Book of Proverbs has many quotations about “fools” but even if we are reminded as being foolish the other 364 days of the year as Mark twain says, I hope our foolishness is and should be because we trust completely in God. To trust in God is what help us Christians and all God children to overcome difficulties and challenges of this life such as the corona virus which is causing deaths, and desperation in our world today. Jesus in Luke12 ;16-21, also gives us the “story of the Rich fool”, where we find a man decided build barns to store up his riches (rich harvest), hoping he will enjoy that in future only to be told by God that his life is going to be taken away from him that night. The parable in this story is; our wisdom and intelligence is foolishness in God’s sight, therefore our need to ask God to always forgive us for our foolish ways and reclothe us with the rightful minds to serve him and serve each other with reverence and with His love and if we do this then, God will us life, a life to the full.
Dear friends as our world battles the corona virus, I hope we will not consider ourselves wise but will consider ourselves foolish enough; to feed the hungry, visit the sick, visit those hospitalized, show compassion to those in our communities ill because of this virus and try to love and serve all around us. If it happens for some reason, we cannot do any of these things then at least we should pray to God so that, He comforts all who feel vulnerable in this uncertain times. May He strengthen those in pain and give them courage to submit themselves to His unfailing love.
On this April Fools’ day, may we receive and accept Christ as our Lord and Saviour and may God not have cause to say to us “You Fool” to anyone but make us wise to serve Him always in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Teach us dear Lord, how to use our basic common sense so as to be wise to you. Prevent us from speaking unwisely, from acting foolishly without any compassion for others. Above all, keep us from the foolishness of thinking that we can manage without the help that comes from you, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Prayer 2
Dear Lord Jesus who wept at the grave of Lazarus, help us lean on you at this difficult time and at all times. Especially at this time of the corona virus when death, disease and desperation has gripped our world, we humble ask for your abundant mercy, to make this our world whole again. Father, comfort the bereaved and those whose hearts are aching at this time, wipe ways their tears and bring them your healing. Father, let your perpetual light be upon all those who have departed from this earthly existence. Bless all medical staff and the all those who have volunteered to help the sick, the lonely and those in need with energy and, dedication as they care for others. Lord, for all of those living in fear give them the courage to trust in you even at this difficult times and help us all now and always to remember that you are with us now and always, Great Emmanuel. Amen.