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Minutes of PCC Meeting held January 30th 2020
Minutes of PCC Meeting held January 30th 2020
# PCC Minutes

Minutes of PCC Meeting held January 30th 2020
St Albright’s Church
Parochial Church Council
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday 30th January 2020
7.30 pm in St Andrew’s Hall
Present: Rev. Tony Bushell (Chairman) John Bonham (JB), Rev. Wendy Pagden (WP), David Kent (Treasurer), Pam Higham (PH), Ravi Natarajan (RN), Ann Booty (AB), Penny Bonham (PB). Sue Lemon (SL), Mark Claydon (MC) John Lemon (JL)
1. Opening Prayers: TB opened the meeting with prayer at 7.30 pm.
2. Apologies for Absence: - Clement Arde-Aqua (CAA), Morag Bushell (MB), David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DTC). There were no declarations of interest.
3. Minutes of PCC Meeting of 19th November 2019 previously circulated were agreed a true copy.
4. Matters Arising:
Item 7) - SL asked for an update of the position relating to St Andrew’s Hall being used as a Polling Station, elections are due again in May 2020. TB said this was discussed at St Andrews Hall Sub Committee and TB would be requesting hirers of the hall to agree to its use as a Polling Station. JL pointed out that a motion was proposed, seconded and agreed by this committee of 19 November 2019, “that the hall letting/hiring contracts be changed with effect from January 2020, that if the hall was required for use as a Polling Station that would take priority and it would be used as a Polling Station.” Urgent Action TB
Item 9) – JL asked for an update on the Love Stanway situation. TB advised that Stanway Evangelical Church (SEC) will not work with the Tollgate Methodist Community because of leadership doctrinal differences. The Village Hall Carol Service is likely to continue because that has always historically been a joint venture of SEC and St Albright’s. There is unlikely to be a ‘Love Stanway’ Fun Day this year although SEC might organise their own which perhaps St Albright’s and Bethel could support. Having said that, Maarten and Sarah Westera have now stood back from Bethel Church leadership and while there are only a very small number of church members, there is a well-attended monthly ‘Messy Church’, which WP pointed out is a church in itself (albeit monthly) and she will work alongside that while it continues. DK reported there is about £250 in the ‘Love Stanway’ funds and asked if he should disperse that equally to the four churches, TB answered ‘not yet.’
5. Minutes of Standing Committee 28th November 2019 and 22nd January 2020.
There were no matters arising from the SC Minutes of 28th January 2019 although TB expressed a vote of thanks to Ravi and Nimmi for their invaluable IT expertise and advice, and hoped that they will continue to assist in the purchase of office equipment at keen prices, once the office is furnished.
Matters arising from the SC Minutes of 22nd January 2020.
Item 4iv) – Office Furniture and Equipment - JB outlined the details of the quotes received for furnishing the office. GOSH quoted for a bespoke fitted office, with all desks, chairs, drawer stand, storage cupboard, shelves, notice boards and fireproof safe for £2146 plus VAT plus additional installation charge of £310 plus VAT i.e total £2947. Century Office could not provide a bespoke fitted office, noticeboards or a fireproof safe, and quoted for freestanding desks, chairs, drawer stand, storage cupboard and shelves for £1720 including VAT. After much consideration the Standing Committee thought the GOSH proposals the better option, providing exactly what was required at reasonable cost, and recommend the PCC accept the GOSH quotation. JB proposed that the GOSH quote be accepted, PB seconded the proposal, All agreed. Action JB.
WP expressed a vote of thanks to JB and others for their work to procure the office furniture.
Item 6i) – Quinquennial Report - JB reported that the quinquennial report has been completed by the architect and submitted to the Diocesan Office, who will then forward a copy to St Albright’s.
6. Correspondence - PB reported that thanks have been received from the ‘British Legion’ for the Remembrance Service donation, and thanks have also been received for the donation to the ‘Night Shelter’. PB reported that she has received the new Music Licence and DK has a copy. TB suggested the original should be filed in the Parish Office once file storage is available.
7. Financial Report - DK had previously circulated financial reports with spreadsheets for the month of December 2019, the Strategic Development Project, together with the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2019. There were no matters arising.
The independent examiner John Porter has collected all the financial papers and will be auditing the accounts and providing his report early March, for inclusion in the Annual Report for consideration at the Church AGM in April.
DK reported that he has finally received a settlement from the SDF. The rolling bookcase purchase and the legacy money offset budgeted for January will be deferred, The Parish Share will be paid tomorrow (31.01.2020). January overall income is about £7000. Expenditure for January, which includes the Parish Share, will be about £5000, leaving about £2000 available. The expenditure included a printing cartridge (£300) for Jenny Wren who continues to do the printing for the church because the office is not equipped, the purchase of a television for pioneering (£249) and a TV Licence (£154.50).
MC asked why a television had been purchased. WP said the images from the church projector could not be clearly seen because of the lighting in Starbucks where The Happiness Lab was being held. A television was considered to be the sensible alternative which would be available to be used elsewhere by the church.
JB reported that he has now received a final quote of £1144.00 from Bakers of Danbury for the work necessary to reinstate the floor in the corridor between the Sacristy and the south aisle using new tiles and wooden blockwork. JB proposed acceptance of the quote, JL seconded. All agreed. Action JB.
8. Pioneer Ministry – WP had previously circulated a very comprehensive report of pioneering activities. She highlighted her chaplaincy work at Stanway School, The Happiness Lab weekly meeting at Starbucks and the recruitment of the Children, families and Community Worker, the post now being re-advertised after Easter. AB reported that the Tots Group had now taken off, there were 13 children at the last meeting and parents are showing interest in baptism. Indeed one child is to be baptised and one mother has asked to be confirmed. When the hall in not available because of the Ladies fellowship meeting, Tots parents are arranging to meet at Wyevale’s. WP organises regular monthly pioneer prayer meetings and asked the members of the PCC to support them as and when they are able.
TB introduced the summary of the Standing Committee meeting of the 30th October 2019, regarding the position of the Parish Administrator, Michael Topple (MT) and apologised for it not being circulated sooner. TB had made some variations to the comprehensive list of duties drawn up by the Standing Committee to include some pioneering matters. JL pointed out that the Parish Administrator was employed to provide admin support to all areas of church activity including pioneering, and questioned why it was necessary for pioneering duties to be specified. The amended list of duties had not been circulated and TB said these matters will be dealt with by the Standing Committee. Action TB.
AB expressed her thanks to MT and DT-C for their work producing the new banner for the Tots Group, but SL thought the Tots Group A4 notice on the hall entrance door was misleading as to when the Tots group met, given that it was advertising for new members. AB said she would look at it again.
RN asked who reviews the Facebook pages for there was one over Christmas advertising an estate carol service which did not take place. SL said she posted the carol services as requested, but was not told of the cancellations, which TB confirmed had been rather last minute.
9. West Colchester Mission and Ministry Unit (MMU).
TB expressed his thanks to all members of the PCC who attended the gathering of the parish clergy and PCC’s on the 19th January in St Andrew’s Hall. This was primarily a social event for members of those parishes, who will become part of the MMU, to get to know one another and discuss what working in co-operation will be able to provide. The parishes of Stanway, Lexden, Shrub End, Marks Tey and Aldham were represented, but unfortunately there were no representatives from Fordham with Eight Ash Green. TB reported that we are already working together, the confirmation service being held at St. Albright’s on 2nd, February will include a number of candidates from Marks Tey and Aldham, and couples whose weddings are at St Albright’s will be attending the Marriage Preparation Course being run by St Leonards, Lexden. TB confirmed that the Diocesan expectation is that the MMU will be up and running by Advent Sunday 2021 with a constitution organised by the constituent parishes sharing.
10. St Andrew’s Hall. - TB reported that the hall sub-committee met yesterday 29th January, and he apologised that the minutes of that meeting were not available for the PCC, the draft minutes prepared need amending. The sub-committees main concern was for the redecoration of the main hall which had been deferred from last year and for which quotes had been sought. It was suggested that those quotes should be updated and a decision made to enable the work to be carried out August 2020 when the hall was not usually in use.
The sub-committee were seeking clarification of the ‘fire assembly point’ notices in the event of the need for evacuation of the hall. JB advised that notices in the hall will be put up in the hall directing people to the ‘fire assembly point’ which had been determined will be the bus stop on London Road near the Church Lichgate. Action JB
11. Deanery Synod and Diocesan Synod. – PH reported that there has not been a meeting of the Deanery Synod since the last PCC meeting (19th November 2019), although they have produced a Deanery Newsletter and she had included salient points from that in her report previously circulated. PH reported that she attended her first meeting of the Diocesan Synod at Chelmsford Cathedral in November 2019 and enjoyed the experience. She expanded on the brief outline of that day’s events given in her report and had a copy of papers circulated to synod members which are available to the PCC.
12. Safeguarding. - There were no safeguarding matters for consideration.
13. Any Other Business.
1. Lent talks. – TB urged people to attend the meetings at St John the Evangelist Church, where four Bishops from the diocese and Archdeacon Elizabeth Snowden of Chelmsford, (Chair of the Diocesan Environment Group), will each be presenting a talk on the topic of environment and creation. The five week series covering the themes of air, water, fire, earth and life encourage us to reflect on our situation and our calling to live distinctively Christian lives in response to the climate crisis.
The talks are being held on 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st March 2020. Meetings are free of charge, refreshments at 7.00 pm, and talks from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm. All are Welcome. TB asked for those intending to go to offer lifts to others, he is proposing a list at the back of the church for names of those wishing to go.
2. Lent Lunches. -WP reported that although the Bishops talks (listed above) will be the main lent focus, she is proposing ‘Lent Lunches’ (a picnic) to be held in St Andrews Hall from 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm on the 3rd, 10th,17th,24th and 31st March 2020, where people bring their own lunches and tea and coffee will be provided. One of the ministry team will lead a short talk from a series produced by Philip North, ‘Reflections on Climate Change.’
3. ‘Lay Funeral Minister’ -TB reported that PH has expressed a wish to train as a ‘Lay Funeral Minister.’ In order to facilitate this training with the Diocese a resolution of this PCC is needed. The resolution is “That the PCC of St Albright’s Church, meeting on 30th January 2020, recommends and endorses Mrs Pamela Higham to begin training as a Lay Funeral Minister in the Diocese of Chelmsford, prior to being commissioned as such in the Parish of Stanway.” Proposed by PB, Seconded by WP. All Agreed - Motion carried.
4. Pancake Party - DTC is planning a Pancake Party to take place on Shrove Tuesday 25th February 2020 at 6.30 pm.
5. Agapé Feast - TB reported that an Agapé Feast is planned for Maundy Thursday 9th April 2020 at 6.30 pm further details to follow.
6. Garden Shed for Churchyard - JB reported that he has been in touch with the Diocese regarding the provision of a Garden Shed in the churchyard for storage of garden equipment and flower arranging equipment. He has received a response setting out in detail the lengthy process to work through, in order to receive approval. He already has a heavy workload for the church and is seeking a volunteer to take on this extra work. There were no volunteers from the PCC, and as it is not necessary for it to be a PCC member, a volunteer is to be sought from among the congregation.
7. VE Day Civic Service - TB reported that together with WP he attended a meeting of the Parish Council where there is a proposal to hold a Civic Service in the Village Hall to celebrate VE Day on Friday the 8th May 2020, the 75th Anniversary of the formal end of World War II in Europe. Action TB
Rev Tony Bushell (Chairman)
Departmental Reports to Penny Bonham by 8th March 2020.
Next Standing Committee meeting 7.00pm Wednesday 25 March 2020.
Next PCC Meeting 7.30 pm Thursday 2nd April 2020.
Church AGM 12 noon Sunday 26th April 2020, then a short PCC meeting