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Minutes of PCC Meeting held on Nov. 19th 2019
Minutes of PCC Meeting held on Nov. 19th 2019
# PCC Minutes

Minutes of PCC Meeting held on Nov. 19th 2019
St Albright’s Church, Stanway
Parochial Church Council
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday 19th November 2019
7.30 pm in St Andrews’s Hall.
Present: Rev. Tony Bushell (TB) Chairman, Rev. Wendy Pagden, John Bonham (JB), David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DTC), David Kent (DK), John Lemon (JL), Mark Claydon (MC), Sue Lemon (SL), Penny Bonham (PB), Ann Booty (AB), Pam Higham (PH).
- Opening Prayers: TB opened the meeting with prayer at 7.35 pm
- Apologies for Absence: were received from Morag Bushell (MB), and Ravi Natarajan (RN). There were no declarations of interest.
- Minutes of the PCC Meeting of 26th September 2019 which had been previously circulated were agreed.
- Matters Arising
Item 3) Safeguarding. TB reports that his Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate had been renewed prior to the expiry date and the meeting of 26th September, but there is no mechanism for the Parish Safeguarding Officer Stephen Whitfield (SW) to be notified. SL reports she has completed the on-line course and the C2 one day training course, and now has a valid DBS certificate. DTC reports he has now completed the on-line course. There has been no further comment from SW regarding the validity of DBS Certificates held by MC or the Parish Administrator Michael Topple (MT). DK and DTC are still to apply for a DBS certificate. Action DK, DTC and SW.
Item 7) St Andrew’s Hall – use as a Polling Station. Once again the committee expressed their disappointment at the sub-committees decision not to support a request for the hall to be so used. TB advised that the hirer who uses the hall one Thursday each month had also declined a request to stand down for the day, and there was no clause in the hire agreement which would require them to do so. A discussion followed and the consensus was that opportunity for the hall to be used as a Polling Station should not be missed, and as DK confirmed the Thursday Hirer has no booking for December it was agreed that the Borough Council should be advised that the hall was available for the 12th December General Election. Action TB. In order that it will be possible in the future for the hall to be used as a Polling Station JB proposed that the hall letting/hiring contracts be changed with effect from January 2020 to include a clause that if the hall was required for use as a Polling Station that would take priority, and it would be used as a Polling Station. The proposal was seconded by MC – All Agreed. TB will ask Ivor Ellis (IE) to make the necessary amendment to the Hall letting contract and advise hirers accordingly asap. Action TB.
Item 9iv) Secure Card Reader DTC has investigated the cost of an electronic credit card reader for taking donations in church. It would cost £415 + VAT to purchase, £15.83 +VAT per month running costs, and 1.5% of each and every transaction. TB asked that this item be referred to the next meeting of the Standing Committee for detailed consideration and DTC to obtain alternative quotes. Action DTC - Minutes of the Standing Meeting of 8th September 2019 which had been previously circulated were approved. WP advised that her working agreement has not yet been provided by the Archdeacon.
- Correspondence.
PB reports that the only correspondence received was a request for statistical information which has been provided. - Financial Report and setting of the 2020 Budget.
A detailed financial report for the current year to October had previously been circulated by DK and there were no matters arising.
DK had previously also provided a detailed report of the proposed Budget for 2020 which he spoke of in some detail. He reported that planned giving for 2019 had gone down and there followed a discussion when it was considered that a further stewardship campaign should be undertaken next summer, introduced with letters of thanks to the congregation. The Standing Committee would take the lead on this.
For newer attendees of the committee DK also spoke of the Legacy Fund, how it had come about and that it was intended to be used to meet the requirements of the quinquennial report, carrying out substantial repairs to the fabric of the church. JB provided details of the rolling bookcase, which has been commissioned using funds donated by the family of the former church treasurer, the late George Gosling, and it is to replace the damp bookcase on the north wall at the rear of the church.
SL asked about funding for boosting Church Facebook advertisements locally and DK confirmed that that expenditure would be covered by the Communications Budget.
DTC asked if any donations had been received for the services of the choir at weddings, for there was none shown in the choir fund. DK confirmed there had been only one £50 donation which had gone into church funds. Originally the fee was offered to the choir but they asked that it be paid into church funds. DTC pointed out that the choir expected it to go into the choir fund to pay for sheet music and choir gowns. DTC proposed that the fee of £50 for the choir at church weddings to be paid into the choir fund. The proposal was seconded by PH – All agreed.
TB reports that whilst we are paying our parish share in full, the diocese has suggested that we make a further voluntary contribution of 2.5%. He pointed out that our parish share contribution is low because we do not have a stipendiary minister who has to be paid for. DK advised that 2.5% of the parish share amounted to £628 per annum (i.e. £52 per month.) After an inconclusive discussion DTC proposed that the committee review the financial situation again in June 2020 to determine if we could to make a voluntary contribution in full. The proposal was seconded by WP - All agreed.
TB spoke of the church’s charitable giving. DK advised that there were several charities both local and national that the church donates the collections to throughout the year. Whilst TB appreciated the church supporting those charities in this way he wondered if we should not be making further charitable donations from church funds. A lengthy discussion followed when once again it was decided to defer the matter for review at the June 2020 meeting.
In completing consideration of the budget for 2020, MC proposed the acceptance of the 2020 Budget produced by DK. The proposal was seconded by CAA – All agreed. TB expressed a vote of thanks to DK for all his hard work to determine and produce the Budget for 2020. - Pioneer Ministry. WP introduced a detailed report which had been circulated previously. She spoke of her priorities for the pioneer ministry, “what she has been up to” in the community, meeting organisations, individuals and church groups. The progress of the parish office development (nearing completion), the prospect of moving into her new home in Stanway late February (early March), playing her part in the appointment of a Children, Families and Community Pioneer for the Parish and a number of future possibilities.
WP spoke of prayer initiatives for Pioneering in Stanway.- Prayer walks every Monday morning at 9.15 am -10.15 am from the church.
- A proposal for a short Prayer meeting on Monday evening during Advent after the 7 pm Advent Reflection service will not be going ahead because of lack of heating in the church, but WP will provide prayer cards for home prayer.
- Monday afternoons on 13th and 17th January 2 pm to 3 pm in the church hall.
- Monday 25th November 7.15 pm at ‘Starbucks’, coffee/tea provided. All are welcome.
WP concluded, that this is a huge challenge with much prayer and partnership needed, and expressed her thanks for the encouragement and support she has received.
MC noted there are always deprived families in every town, some depending on food banks, and how very important it is for the church to go into schools to offer support and help to children and staff alike. WP said she had been into Stanway Fiveways Primary School and Stanway School and is taking on the role of school chaplain one day a week for two terms whilst the school chaplain is on maternity leave. She is also hoping to be invited into Stanway Primary School.
- Love Stanway
TB reports that there may be changes to the operation of the group in the coming year, but for the present the Carol Singing at Lakelands Estate at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 4th December, Carol Singing at Tollgate Drive at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 11the December and the Village Carol Service in the Community Hall, Villa Road, Stanway at at 4 pm on Sunday 15th December will go ahead as planned.
Please note it is St Albright’s turn to provide the coffee/tea and mince pies at the Village Carol Service so please come prepared to help.
Bethel Church is hosting a Carol Service in the ‘Live and Let Live’ Public House, Millers Lane, Stanway at 7.30 pm on Friday 6th December – all are welcome! - Safeguarding Please see item 4) above.
WP reports she is currently going through her DBS training. - Deanery Synod Meeting 15th October. PH introduced and enlarged upon her Deanery Synod Report previously circulated. There it was duly noted that PH had been elected to the Diocesan Synod, whereupon TB asked that she provide a report of the meetings she attends there. We wish her well in her endeavours.
- St Andrews Hall. Please see item 4 above. JB reports that the Parish Office is nearing completion and together with the main contractor he made an inspection of the development on 16th November when a snagging list of over 30 defects were noted, many of which related to the quality of the redecoration. The main contractor has agreed the remedial work and is instructing the decorating sub-contractor to do the same. When that work is complete and a further inspection has been carried out JB is hopeful that the office will be handed over by 29th November, if not sooner.
In the meantime it is necessary to source office furniture and equipment and TB asked JB and DK to ensure that the parish administrator MT is involved in that process. JB spoke of the need for a telephone and internet connection for the office and will investigate possibilities for this location. Action JB and DK. - Any Other Business.
- TB highlighted the meeting with PCC’s of other churches within the proposed Mission and Ministry Unit (MMU) for South West Colchester, the meeting being held in St Andrew’s Hall, at 4 pm on Sunday 19th January 2020. He stressed it is intended to be a semi social meeting ahead of the MMU coming into being and requested that as many of the PCC that are able to attend.
- JL reported that a request had been received from the family of George Polley 1918-2015, for a credit card size brass memorial plaque to be affixed to the Lectern in the church, which they understood he had carved for the church while studying at Stanway School in 1932. A discussion followed and it was thought that if evidence of the families understanding could be confirmed, it may be possible to agree to their request without the need for a faculty. JB said he remembers seeing a newspaper cutting among some papers and undertook to research the story. MC suggested he might try the local newspaper archives for 1932 held on microfilm at the public library. Action JB.
- JL reported that a request had been received from the family of George Polley 1918-2015, for a credit card size brass memorial plaque to be affixed to the Lectern in the church, which they understood he had carved for the church while studying at Stanway School in 1932. A discussion followed and it was thought that if evidence of the families understanding could be confirmed, it may be possible to agree to their request without the need for a faculty. JB said he remembers seeing a newspaper cutting among some papers and undertook to research the story. MC suggested he might try the local newspaper archives for 1932 held on microfilm at the public library. Action JB.
- JB reports that some concerns had been expressed about the poor quality of the coffee being served after church on Sunday. He had taken a straw poll of the congregation taking refreshment after church and found a significant number who thought it so. On the occasion of the Men’s Breakfast Meeting at Stanway Evangelical Church he had looked at the filter coffee machine being used there and they were pleased with its performance, although with the benefit of hindsight they would have preferred a plumbed-in model.
JB wondered if it we should consider purchasing a filter coffee maker for the kitchen, and had spoken to Trevor Ireland (TI) Parish Lunch Organiser about it, but TI was opposed to the idea for lack of space in the kitchen. TB noted that SL organised the tea/coffee rota.
SL confirmed that although she was not responsible for purchasing the coffee, she is aware that it is of catering quality purchased from a wholesale cash and carry and is one third the cost of an equivalent tin of Nescafe Gold Blend, a large jar of which is being purchased for trial at the Christmas Coffee Morning on 7th December. TB suggested that the question of a filter coffee maker be further researched and considered by the Standing Committee. Action JB.
There being no other business the meeting closed with The Grace at 10 pm.
Rev. Tony Bushell (Chairman)
Future Meetings (*Revised).
Standing Committee P.C.C.
19th January 2020 (See item 13 i) above.)
22nd January 2020* 30th January 2020
20th March 2020 2nd April 2020
Annual Parochial Church Meeting.
Sunday 26th April 2020 at 12.00