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Minutes of the PCC Meeting held on Sept. 26th 2019
Minutes of the PCC Meeting held on Sept. 26th 2019
# PCC Minutes

Minutes of the PCC Meeting held on Sept. 26th 2019
St Albright’s Church, Stanway
Parochial Church Council
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday 26th September 2019
7.30 pm in St Andrews’s Hall.
Present: John Bonham (JB), David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DT-C), David Kent (DK), John Lemon (JL), Mark Claydon (MC), Sue Lemon (SL), Ann Booty (AB), Pam Higham (PH), Ravi Natarajan (RN) and Stephen Whitfield (SW).
- Opening Prayers: Vice Chairman John Bonham opened the meeting with prayer at 7.30 pm.
- Apologies for Absence: were received from Rev. Tony Bushell (TB) Morag Bushell (MB), Clement Arde-Acquah (CA-A), and Penny Bonham (PB). There were no declarations of interest.
- Safeguarding. SW (Safeguarding Officer) provided his Annual Update on safeguarding requirements for all church activities, stressing we each have a duty to ‘promote a safer church.’ This is the theme of a new Church of England Safeguarding Policy. In summarising the contents of the new policy in some detail SW advised that copies are available on the Chelmsford Diocese Website and encouraged all to make themselves familiar with the contents. He suggested a hard copy should be placed on the hall noticeboard, that appendix 10 ‘Statement of safeguarding principles’ be adopted, and appendix 11 ‘actions to take in the event of abuse’ be circulated to each member of the PCC.
SW then spoke about the necessity of safeguarding training for the members of the PCC together with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks to be made for each one and explained in some detail the process to be followed. He reported that the new Parish Administrator’s recent DBS application was not accepted on the grounds that from the information given it was not deemed necessary. A discussion then followed regarding the administrator’s duties and the possibility of isolated contact with vulnerable people, and although he held a DBS certificate in another place, SW will contact him once more with a view to making a further application. SW reported that TB’s DBS Certificate has expired and a new application needs to be made. Safeguarding training and DBS checks are also necessary for SL, MC, and DK. Please see https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/safeguarding/training for C0 Basic Awareness & C1 Foundation training, where there is also a link to undertake the online training courses which can be completed by any member of the congregation, but their completion is requirement for anyone who has safeguarding responsibilities or who has contact with children, young people and/or adults who may be vulnerable. SL reported she had recently made the DBS application on-line and now needed SW to confirm her identity and address from documentation provided. Action TB, MC, DK, SL and SW.
JB thanked SW for his extensive report and the work that he does as Safeguarding Officer for this parish. SL proposed that SW continues in the role of Safeguarding Officer for the parish, the proposal was seconded by PH, All agreed.
4. Minutes of the Extraordinary PCC Meeting of 4th September 2019 (the appointment of Rev. Wendy Pagden as Pioneer Minister to the Parish of Stanway) were read out in full by JB and approved.
5. Minutes of the PCC Meeting of 13th June 2019 previously circulate were approved.
6. Matters Arising:
Item 5)
- Wheelchair Ramp - JB reports that the wheelchair ramp has been purchase and is now in use.
- Churchyard Memorials. – JB reports that he has received a quotation from Suffolk Masonry Services for work on six tombs costing in excess of £7000 + VAT. Two tombs must be restored because of their condition, but four could be levelled. JB to discuss possibilities with the Archdeacon. Action JB
- Acoustic Panels for St. Andrews Hall – The minutes of the St Andrews Hall Sub Committee on this subject were noted and SL pointed out that the work was deemed necessary for the comfort of all those using the hall, primarily the church members at Sunday gatherings and other social occasions, and not just for the needs of hall hirers. JB has now received a second quote from 3Dimensions Ltd. for supplying and fitting the panels, to be considered alongside the quote produced by Norfolk Ceilings and Interiors. Having consulted the Consultant Acoustic Engineer on the suitability of the panels proposed JB is of the opinion that the quote from 3Dimensions Ltd. is the most advantageous and he proposes that the meeting appoint 3Dimensions Ltd. to supply and install option 2 of their quotation in St Andrews Hall, at a cost of£1820 plus VAT, the work to be funded from St Andrews Hall funds. The proposal was seconded by DTC and agreed unanimously. Action JB
- St Andrews Hall Air Conditioning Units.These units in the rear yard are not suitably guarded and inquisitive children would be at risk from the fans in their present condition. JB proposes that ‘Adcock’, the company responsible for their maintenance, be instructed to add new child proof safety guards and trays to the units, to be funded from hall funds. The proposal was seconded by AB and agreed unanimously.
- Parish Office Development. – JB reports that The Stone Group were unable to quote for the work, given our time line and their commitments, and returned the schedule of work. R G Carter was then asked to quote and a quotation has now been received from them to be considered against the original quotation from Vinton Buildmarque Ltd. JB has examined the quotes and considered their merits. He recommended to the Standing Committee that we appoint Vinton Buildmarque Ltd. based on price and availability. The Standing Committee authorised previously to deal with this matter all agreed and JB will contact Vinton Buildmarque Ltd. to confirm arrangements. The work will be funded from the Strategic Development Fund (SDF). Action JB.
- Rolling Bookcase – the carpenter is inundated with work and has not yet started to build the bookcase. JB will follow this up.
- Quinquennial Inspection – has been carried out and we are awaiting the inspector’s report which will be available in about a month.
- Churchyard Trees – the work carried out on the lime trees has been viewed and is satisfactory. Payment for the work has been made. There was a large tree overhanging the churchyard from a neighbouring property. They have now removed it.
- Kitchen Cupboard Doors – have now been fitted next to the dishwasher, but it has been noted that the wall adjacent to the dishwasher needs protection from the operation of the dishwasher door.
7. St Andrew’s Hall Sub Committee Minutes (18.09.2019) – previously circulated - matters arising.
Item 3 & 4) Acoustic Panels – See item 5 iii) above.
Item 4) Fire Evacuation Policy – JB reports the sub committee’s suggestion of the assembly point being “under the oak tree” was not acceptable for it does not conform to the fire evacuation regulations. JB he will inform the sub-committee. Action JB
Item7) Hall to be used as a Polling Station. The PCC were disappointed to learn of the sub-committee’s decision to decline the request to use the hall as a polling station. Apart from the losing the opportunity for receiving a significant income for the days use, it prevents people from the new estates; which it is intended to serve on Polling Day; from learning where the church hall is situated and see the facilities available there, and thereby promote its future use. DK reports that there were concerns that the hall was needed for more than one day. JL who has experience as a Polling Station Presiding Officer advises, that the collapsible polling booths are delivered to the Polling Station the day before the poll and could be stored in the lobby. They are assembled and erected on the day of the poll by the Polling Station staff who later disassembled them for collection the day after the poll. The church should not dismiss the opportunity to encourage our neighbours from the local estates to visit the church hall and its environs, and the committee thought the decision should be reconsidered.
8. Correspondence. DK reports there is a circular in his in tray from the Planning Office notifying a planning application for extension to the building at 239 London Road (the nursery next door) to provide increased 2 storey accommodation together with additional staff and allocated parking.
9. Financial Report. A detailed financial report had previously been circulated by DK and there were no matters arising.
- DK reports he has now received reimbursement from the SDF for the past two months claims for expenses incurred.
- DK is disappointed and concerned that some members of the congregation who have signed up to weekly planned-giving have not clearly understood their commitment. Missed weeks at church should be put to one side and made up when they return to worship so that planned-giving is maintained to meet the continuing needs of the church. He has estimated that the July/Sept tax rebate due in October will exceed £1600.
- DK thought he had resolved the matter of on-line payments having been advised by the bank that only one signatory would be required. However at his first attempt to use on-line payment system he discovered that was not the case and two signatories are required. Thus DK has arranged for another bank signatory to authorise/approve on-line payments, but it is still a ‘work in progress.’
- DTC reports that he has investigated the secure card reader installed at St Gregory’s Church, Sudbury where visitors are able to make £3 donation to the church each time they chose to contact/swipe their credit card across the reader. The committee thought this a good idea and agreed to consider this further for St Albrights Church when additional details of cost and security are available. Action DTC.
10. Deanery Synod Report. PH had previously circulated the deanery synod report and had hard copy of the slides available that were used for the presentation by Rev. Janet Nicholls about her ministry as Diocesan Rural Advisor and Agricultural Chaplain. MC noted a report was given on Youth Ministry and sought clarification. PH confirmed this was work within the deanery involving youth workers like Beks Kerniej and school chaplains in a number of schools including Stanway. MC wondered if that youth ministry will cross over with St Albright’s youth/family worker. PH thought that would depend largely on the Pioneer Minister and TB as Priest in Charge, under whose direction the youth/family worker would work.
11. Pioneer Ministry Update:
- Rev Wendy Pagden has been appointed as the Pioneer Minister for the Parish of Stanway, and her licensing service will be held at St Albrights Church at 7,30 pm on Monday 30th September 2019 when she will be licensed by the Bishop of Colchester, the Rt. Rev. Roger Morris.
- The recruitment of a youth/families worker will begin when the Pioneer Minister is in post, when she will then be able to play her part in the recruitment process.
- The Parish Office Development – the contract for the work to build the office is awarded to Vinton Buildmarque Ltd. (who built the original building) and JB will confirm their appointment and determine the build timetable with them. The work will be funded from the Strategic Development Fund (SDF).
12. Love Stanway. PH asked, “What is ‘Love Stanway.’” This prompted a lively discussion on the merits of the name and what it conveys to people outside of the churches about the work of the churches. DTC said that it is in effect ‘Church Together in Stanway’ although the name does not convey that. DK, who acts as ‘Love Stanway’ treasurer, advised there are four Stanway churches which jointly organise a Summer Fun Day, the Village Carol Service in the Village Hall, two open air carol services on the estates, a monthly prayer walk in the village and a Church Together service. Each church contributes funds towards the costs of these joint activities.
13. Any Other Business.
- DTC reports on the repairs necessary to be carried out on the organ which is in a very poor state with parts needing replacing and rebuilding. He has received a quote for the work from Bishop & Son, for a total overhaul, cleaning and rebuilding draw stop boxes and organ pipes. The total Cost is £5800 plus VAT and when the work is complete the organ will be good for another fifty years. DTC will obtain a further comparative quote for this work for consideration at a later date. DTC believes as the work forms part of the listed building there is provision for the church to claim back he VAT paid. There is currently £1098 in the organ fund and he suggests the balance should be paid from the legacy fund.
- SL asked if the plaque for the war graves will soon be installed (Remembrance Day will soon be here again). JB will arrange it. Action JB.
- DTC expressed a vote of thanks to MC for the digital media projector which has been successfully used at ‘Rise and Shine’ services. All agreed.
- PH reminded the meeting of the sheet of envelope designs circulated for members to choose a design for the 2020 planned giving envelopes. The ‘dove of peace’ outline was the design chosen to go with the text “In thanksgiving to God and for the work of His Church.”
There being no other business the meeting closed with The Grace at 9.30 pm.
John Bonham (vice Chair & Churchwarden)