02/07/2024 0 Comments
Minutes of PCC Meeting held on June 13th
Minutes of PCC Meeting held on June 13th
# PCC Minutes

Minutes of PCC Meeting held on June 13th
St Albright’s Church, Stanway
Parochial Church Council
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday 13th June 2019
7.30 pm in St Andrews’s Hall.
Holy Communion was celebrated in St Andrew’s Hall prior to the meeting.
Present: Rev. Tony Bushell (TB), John Bonham (JB), David Tibetts-Chaplin (DT-C), David Kent (DK), John Lemon (JL), Mark Claydon (MC), Penny Bonham (PB), Sue Lemon (SL), Pam Higham (PH) and Ravi Natarajan (RN).
Opening Prayers: Chairman Rev. Tony Bushell opened the meeting with prayer at 7.35 pm.
Apologies for Absence: were received from Morag Bushell (MB), Clement Arde-Acquah (CA-A), and Ann Booty (AB). There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the PCC Meeting of 28th April 2019 previously circulated were approved.
JB reported that previous members of the PCC were still interested in the matters discussed and suggested the minutes be published on Church Desk where members could access them and be informed. After a short discussion it was thought that the PCC minutes and the Standing Committee minutes should be published more widely on Church Desk, the Church Web Site and on the notice board at the back of the church. All Agreed. The minute secretary JL will provide copies of minutes to the Parish Administrator Michael Topple (MT) for publication, once they have been approved for circulation. Action JL
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising
Standing Committee 6th June 2019: Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting which had been previously circulated. JB reported on the following outstanding matters.
Wheelchair Ramp (Standing Committee 23rd July 2018) – A supplier has been found who will provide the style of ramp we require for the front entrance to the church at a cost of £350 and JB sought approval for the purchase. All agreed – action JB.
Item 5 iv) Churchyard Memorials – a second stonemason has agreed to provide a quote for the work needed.
Item 4 viii) Fire Extinguishers and Air conditioning units – the annual inspection of the air conditioning units will take place on 14th June and of the fire extinguishers on 18th June.
Item 4 v) St Andrews Hall Sound Attenuation – A second company has been contacted and will supply a quote for this work.
Item 4 ii) Rolling Bookcase – the cabinet maker will be visiting the church to take photographs of the design of the existing furniture which he will replicate on the bookcase ends.
Item 5 v) Quinquennial Survey – will be carried out on the 28th August.
Item 4 vi) Parish Office Development – the architect advises that any objections to the proposals have to be lodged with the planning authority by 28th June and if there are none a decision will be made on 5th July. Architect advises that Building Regulation Approval may not be required however the building contractor appointed will need to issue start/finish notices for Building Control to inspect. St Andrew’s Hall Committee has asked to see plans of the proposed development. JB will provide plans to MT for distribution. Action JB
Item 4 i) Churchyard Trees – the tree surgeon is yet to be contacted about the work carried out, before the invoice is approved for payment. Action JB.
Item vii) Kitchen Cupboard Doors – JB has noted from the St Andrew’s Hall Committee Minutes that they proposed to engage someone to complete the work. TB advised that Colin Wren had volunteered to do the work and JB agreed to supply him with the doors to be fitted. JB has noted heat from the open door of the dishwasher is beginning to affect the adjacent wall and suggests some heat insulation to protect the wall.
Action Hall Committee.
Item 4 ix) St Andrew’s Door Glass – Trevor Ireland, DK and JB to liaise and organise the repair.
Item 4 x) St Andrew’s Exterior Paintwork - to be included in the parish office contract.
Item 4 iv) The upgraded sound system - is installed in the church and is working very well, especially the personal microphone for the Eucharist.
St Andrew’s Hall Committee Minutes – previously circulated matters arising.
Item 4) Hirer’s Outstanding Accounts - DK reports that outstanding accounts have now been paid.
Hirer’s Insurance Cover -JB questioned who is checking that hirers of the hall have appropriate insurance cover for their activities. TB will speak to Ivor and Pam Ellis who manage the hall bookings. Action TB.
Car Parking - RN enquired about the Car Parking arrangements at the hall, having been challenged by a hirer who suggested they had exclusive use as hirer. It was confirmed that hirers do not have exclusive use of the car park and no such provision is included in the hire agreement. The car park is used on a ‘first come first served’ basis for visitors to the church, churchyard and hall alike. If the church car park is full, parking is permitted in the evening and at weekends only, in St Mary’s School car park or the Nursery Car Park. Untidy car parking has been noted which reduces the number of spaces available – users are asked to park sensibly and considerately. There has been an odd occasion when DTC has found difficulty parking when arriving to play at a service. Asked if he needed a reserved parking space he declined one for the time being.
Correspondence: There is no correspondence to be dealt with.
Safeguarding: It is necessary for all members of the PCC to undertake basic on-line safeguarding training and DBS clearance. Those who have not yet done so are SL, RN, DTC and MC although MC has DBS clearance from his school – is that relevant here? For those working with vulnerable people or groups may also be required to attend a safeguarding course. MT to ask Stephen Whitfield, St Albright’s safeguarding officer for clarification.
Financial Reports: had previously been circulated by DK and there were no matters arising.
- Planned-Giving. - DK reports that he is disappointed and concerned that some who have signed up to weekly planned-giving have not clearly understood their commitment. Missed weeks at church should be put to one side and made up when they return to worship so that planned-giving is maintained. JB suggested a leaflet/note be produced to clarify the commitment to planned-giving. Only DK is aware of planned-giving details and he was asked to produce a leaflet/note and discuss with TB for distribution. Action DK.
- Budget/Actual Performance. - DK reports that whilst other income namely donation and fees does exceed the budget, expenditure is also slightly higher than budget partly because the budget for the annual churchyard tree survey amounting to £300 had been overlooked together with additional utility costs and fabric costs (covered by donations).
- Office Development. – The Diocese has now agreed to monthly claims being submitted (instead of the quarterly claims originally requested) and this will help our cash flow situation.
- Legacy money. – We need to ensure that projects previously identified to benefit from the legacy money i.e.Rolling Bookcase and Sound System (PCC Meting 11th April 2019) are progressed without undue delay.
Deanery Synod Report: TB reports that the next Deanery Synod will be held on 20th June 2019. PH has volunteered for the role of Deanery Synod Representative and asks if she will receive agendas and minutes direct. TB will arrange for PH details to be included on the synod member’s circulation list.
Pioneer Ministry Update:
- Parish Administrator – MT now in post and working efficiently and effectively.
- Pioneer Minister – Interviews for this post were carried out in Chelmsford 11th June 2019 and an announcement will be made by the Diocese next month.
- Children and Families Worker – Once the Pioneer Minister has been appointed the selection procedure for this post can go ahead with the pioneer minister’s involvement.
- Parish Office – The planning procedure is in process. (See Item 5.4.vi above)
- TB advises that a curate will be appointed to work in the parish next year. That is a training post and the appointment will be made by the Deanery Bishop.
There then followed a general discussion about housing provision for the new post holders. TB clarified the position saying that only the ordained staff will be provided with suitable housing which will be sourced and funded by the diocese and ideally be situated within the parish, preferably within the new developments. TB wanted to make it clear that the Pioneer Minister once settled, would not be situated at the church but elsewhere within the parish where connections have been made. However both the Pioneer Minister and the Curate will form part of the Parish Ministry Team and be ex officio members of the PCC.
Love Stanway. TB reports that the four churches are organising a Fun Day on Silver Witch Green between 11 am and 4 pm on Saturday 29th June 2019. One or two people from the church have volunteered to help, but more are needed. Please make the fun day known amongst friend and family and encourage them to come along with you to support it if you can.
Deanery Vision Plan having previously been circulated as a consultation document was now discussed at length for comment and questions from the PCC to be forwarded to the Deanery Pastoral Committee.
Generally it was thought to be a very thorough and comprehensive document. Some believed that attempts at amalgamation had been tried before and were sceptical of success on this occasion. There was, however, approval of the general idea of MMUs and closer cooperation between parishes. Some doubt expressed about whether parishes with very different churchmanship and theological opinion could work together. Some thought that the dwelling on “organisation” would be irrelevant to most churchgoers.
The main question arising from the discussion was “Given the variety of churchmanship within parishes, is there expected to be greater movement of clergy and ministers within the proposed MMU, to the detriment of their own parishes and parish churchmanship?”
And following on from that question, “Will LLM’s within the deanery be expected to take on a greater responsibility within their own parish perhaps covering for clergy absence, and/or be expected to take on greater responsibility elsewhere in the proposed MMU?”
Any Other Business.
There being no other business the meeting closed with The Grace at 9.35 pm.
Rev. Tony Bushell