02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the week - w/b 18th March
Thought for the week - w/b 18th March
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the week - w/b 18th March
Passion Week
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.’ Romans 8:22
The season of Lent, particularly Passiontide through to Easter Sunday, takes us on a journey through the wilderness of abstinence, waiting, agony and suffering, and finally to resurrection and glory. Choosing to do without something which we usually enjoy (such as chocolate or wine) is a small sacrifice and daily reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice during his wilderness experience of 40 days in preparation for his years of active ministry which brought him, finally, to Gethsemane and death.
During Lent and Passiontide we are called in to adopt a simpler rhythm of life; one which includes making space for God and time to reflect. ‘Tarry Awhile’, Salina Stone’s Lent book, and ‘Watch and Pray’, the Church of England’s daily Lent reflections, help us with this, as do other prayer apps like ‘Pray as You Go’ or ‘Lectio 365’ (which I’ve found particularly meaningful this year). But there is something else which is not accessed through a book or an app or the radio, but through simply opening our eyes to the transformation of the natural world around us. As winter wilderness emerges into spring, we take note of the hope of the resurrection and celebration at Easter.
As well as giving up something during the season of Lent, it is good practice to give something. I have been challenged this year to give something to make a difference to the recovery and renewal of creation - not just to notice it unfurling as spring approaches, but to choose a habit or discipline which will play a small part in enabling nature and our earthly home to thrive. A Rocha has a whole selection of simple Lenten practices to choose from, each of which will make a difference to the thriving of the natural world. They include upcycling and buying from second hand shops rather than new, to reducing plastic purchases or moving to a green energy supplier. All suggestions can be found here https://arocha.org.uk/go-green-for-lent/
Perhaps God is working in you through pain in your life? I know the feeling. It’s not something to be chosen, but it is something to learn from, accept and grow through. Noticing the natural world, tending it and ‘soaking’ in nature all help us to grow and find healing when we are walking through painful things - even the valley of the shadow of death.
We recognise that even nature can suffer - with drought or flood or overdevelopment, but the hope we look to and work towards is of renewal and thriving: ‘We do not deem nature as sentient, but we do recognise its capacity to respond to the Lord. If nature can wilt and suffer under human development, how much more will it thrive and shine in our Father’s glorious future? In the meantime, let’s partner with God and others to care for creation and each other until this liberation is complete.’ (A Rocha, Lent reflection)
I’d like to finish this reflection with a morning prayer from Lectio 365:
God of the wilderness, You lead me to where I am lost and found again. As I journey towards Easter and the cross, I welcome Your Spirit and listen for Your word in the wild. Where You lead, I will follow.