02/07/2024 0 Comments
Classic Guitar solo Concert Invitation
Classic Guitar solo Concert Invitation
# Church Without Walls

Classic Guitar solo Concert Invitation
You are invited to join us for classical music, drinks, hors d'ouvres and Church community.
This Saturday, 22nd July at 7pm, in St Teresa's Church Lexden.
About the master guitarist:
Richard Ove Stokkereit was born in Essex, England, and began studying classical guitar as a teenager. a former student of Timothy Walker, Professor of Guitar at the Royal Academy of Music, he was encouraged to find solutions to difficulties through music. Richard passed on his knowledge and shared his passion for classical guitar with others by teaching and writing the classical column for Guitar Techniques magazine from 1999-2201. Richard is a highly respected classical guitar tutor and recitalist. He has given solo recitals over the years of Spanish, south American and English classical guitar music in and around Essex.