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PCC Minutes 6th June 2023
PCC Minutes 6th June 2023
# PCC Minutes

PCC Minutes 6th June 2023
St Albright’s Church, Stanway.
Minutes of PCC Meeting held on 6th June 2023
At 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Hall.
Holy Communion was celebrated at 7pm. (St Boniface)
1.Revd T. Bushell (T.B.) Chair, welcomed Members to the meeting and opened with Prayer. (Ini Kopuria)
2. Membership, Attendance, Apologies.
Present: Revd T. Bushell (T.B.) Chair, Pam Higham (P.H.), David Kent (D.K.), Steve Whitfield (S.W.), Morag Bushell (M.B.), Revd W. Pagden (W.P.), Mark Claydon (M.C.), Ravi Natarajan (R.N.).
Apologies: Clement Arde Aqua (CAA), David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DTC).
Absent: Penny Bonham (P.B.)
T.B. pointed out that Rev C. Willis and Rev A. Davis are now on lengthy placements away from the Parish. Whilst technically still being licensed to this Parish, we are unlikely to see them much here. CW is at St John’s, Ipswich Rd and AD is at Shrub End.
Officers on PCC were agreed: Revd T. Bushell, Chair, Steve Whitfield, Vice Chair, Pam Higham, Secretary & Safeguarding Officer, David Kent Treasurer.
David Tibbetts- Chaplin was co-opted to the PCC.
It was suggested that a rota of Sides People should be drawn up.
3.Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 16th March 2023 (already circulated.)
Proposed by M.C., Seconded by S.W.
4. Matters Arising, not covered on the Agenda.
5. Insurance Settlement. (P.H.)
P.H. had already notified the PCC of the settlement, but it needs to be recorded and formalised in PCC Minutes.
This refers to the Water Ingress and damage to the Organ and Camera damage on the night of 5th/6th October 2021.
We have a settlement of £4,161.60.
Once plastering is done (interior fabric damage) –that will be settled too. They have photos as evidence of the damage.
TB offered personal thanks to PH and PCC agreed.
6. Enovert Bid. (PH)
As per the Minutes of the PCC Meeting, 16th March 2023, it was suggested that P.H. should apply to Enovert for a possible Grant for the Roof/Tower Repairs. This was a lengthy process. PH has applied for a maximum Grant of £50k. The meeting of Trustees is on 11th July 2023. The Trust Manager is already working on the application and is following through with further questions. Hopeful! Formal thanks from the Chair.
7. Start of Roof/Tower repairs. Formal PCC Approval needed. PH now liaising with David Whymark and the Contractor.
Our Insurers have been notified. The Contractor has essential insurance. We have funds. We have the Archdeacon’s approval for work to go ahead (List B Application) Work could begin soon after 11th July, after the Enovert meeting.
“PCC Resolved that the works to the roof shall be commenced as soon after 11th July2023 as the contractors can do so, subject the grant by Natural England of a bat licence under the Habitats Regulations, if necessary.”
Proposed by WP, Seconded by SW. All agreed.
8.Ministry Team Update (T.B.&W.P.)
T.B. Reported to PCC that Jo & Claire, our Children & Families’ Pioneers have resigned and will leaving in early June. Jo to resume teaching and continue Ordination Training and Claire to do Admin Work.
Rev A. Davis is also away long term at Shrub End: there was lengthy discussion re how we manage in the next few months, especially with Messy Church, Bruce’s Crew, Place for Grace, Tots (those activities with which Anna, Jo & Claire were particularly involved.)
TB said that he and WP are working with others to see how these can continue for now. Some activities were going to be suspended over the Summer anyway.
Tots will carry on as before: there is a good Leadership team.
Bright’s will not take place in August, so cover is needed for June & July.
Place for Grace: all arranged for July. Not taking place in August. Plans needed for September and beyond.
Messy Church: a discussion with TB, WP and Stanway Evangelical Church is taking place on 30th June to discuss the way forward.
Bruce’s Crew. Parents of the children are keen to meet informally over the Summer. (This has been complicated by the fact that Anna has had to leave her rented house where B.C. was taking place, because the landlord wanted it back. The only accommodation the diocese could find is in St John’s.)
Funding from SDF for WP expires in in September 2024.
Funding for a Children and Families’ Pioneer is there until 2025.
Funding for an Administrator until December 2024.
The Diocesan Committee responsible for administering SDF funds in the Diocese is carrying out a review of the future of the project.
TB urged us not to be discouraged and reminded the PCC of God’s presence with us at all times.
W.P. handed out the latest Stanway Pioneering News. Giving thanks for the new Lakelands Centre, for Stanwell Hub, for those to be confirmed and wisdom going forward. She also drew attention to the 7 Diocesan values.
9 Financial Report & Update. D.K. (Reports already circulated.)
DK guided us through the accounts. Favourable. No expense for Sacramental Supplies. Oil to be purchased at favourable price. Level of Giving is down. A card reader has been installed---thanks to DK & RN.
DK has settled the Payroll for Jo & Claire. Thanks, from WP. DK suggested that as a large amount of printing comes from pioneering, they should contribute towards Toner etc. WP & DK to investigate.
TB suggested that we should contribute to Christian Aid and the Bishop of Chelmsford’s Stewardship Appeal. It was agreed £50 each from the General Fund.
10. Safeguarding. (PH). PH reported that she had completed 3 DBS since the last Meeting. She continues to support the work of the Pioneer Team and their various events. PH keeps close contact with the Chelmsford Safeguarding Office on any updates.
As indicated at APCM, there will be new developments in Safeguarding responsibility. One of these is in relation to domestic violence. P.H. has already done a J9 Course on Domestic Abuse & Violence. We can now display a J9 poster to indicate we have helpline addresses.
11.AOB. Section 106 Information. WP explained that where there is local development, A community grant is sometimes awarded. St Albrights could benefit from improved access for the disabled, or better, safer heating. A meeting has been arranged for 16th June 2-3pm.
TB Proposed that we should have an Away Day in the Autumn. (There is funding for this.)
The meeting concluded with The Grace at 9.30pm.
Pam Higham.
PCC Secretary.
Future dates of PCC Meetings.
20th September 2023, at 7.30pm.
27th November 2023, at 7.30 pm.