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APCM Meeting 23rd April 2023 + New PCC Member
APCM Meeting 23rd April 2023 + New PCC Member
# PCC Minutes

APCM Meeting 23rd April 2023 + New PCC Member
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting (APM) and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), St Albright’s Church, Stanway. Held on 23rd April 2023 in Church at 12 noon.
Annual Parish Meeting.
Rev T. Bushell (T.B) in the Chair, welcomed those attending and opened the Meeting with Prayer.
Mrs Pamela Higham (P.H.) was appointed as Clerk for both Meetings. Proposed by W.P. and seconded by T.I. This was unanimously agreed.
Attendance. (Those present at both APM & APCM.)
D.T. Ireland (D.I.), Kay Ireland (K.I.), J. Windsor (J.W.), T. Windsor (T.W.), Ravi Natarajan (R.N.), Clement Arde-Acquah C.A.A.), Dorothy Williams (D.W.), Stephen Whitfield (S.W.), David Kent (D.K.), Jenny Wren (J.W.), Colin Wren (C.W.), Marion Valentine (M.V.), Wendy Pagden (W.P.), Loess Overbury- Tapper (L.O.T.), Joan Alexander (J.A.), Morag Bushell (M.B.), Mark Claydon (M.C.), Anna Davis (A.D.), Claire Arculus (C.A.), Jo Jeffrey(J.J.), David Tibbetts- Chaplin (D.T.C.), Pam Higham (P.H.). Rev T. Bushell (T.B). 23.
Apologies for Absence were received from Kevin & Sandra Francis and Jenny Hiatt- Smith.
The Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on 22nd May 2022 were unanimously agreed and accepted. Proposed by C.A.A. and seconded by T.W.
There were no Matters Arising.
Election of Church Wardens for 2023/2024.
DTC our current Church Warden is Standing down after four years. T.B. thanked him for his valuable contribution.
There were two nominations for the coming year: Pam Higham (P.H.) and Stephen Whitfield (S.W.).
T.B. gave thanks to P.H. for her hard work during the previous year. She had carried out her duties with great aplomb!
P.H. and S.W. were unanimously elected to be Church Wardens for the coming year. T.B. thanked them for being prepared to take on this role.
R.N. and D.T.C. will act as Deputy Church Wardens---though this is an unofficial role.
D.T.C. gave special thanks to P.H. who had done Stirling work over the last year, especially since he had now moved away from Colchester.
The Meeting ended at 12.30 pm.
Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2023.
The Chairman (T.B.) convened the APCM 2023.
Those present were the same as for the APM.
Apologies for Absence were the same as for the APM.
The Minutes of the previous APM & APCM have been circulated and accepted.
The Electoral Roll has been updated and displayed prior to this meeting. Accepted by this Meeting. Proposed by M.B. and seconded by D.T.C.
M.C. Was reappointed as Electoral Roll Officer. Proposed by D.T.C. and seconded by R.N. The meeting unanimously agreed. T.B. thanked M.C.
Financial Statement. Prepared by D.K.and verified by Rev J. Chandler. T.B. said that D.K. is known to be very precise in his accounting. M.B. gave her appreciation for the monthly update. W.P. thank D.K. for his patience and his work with the SDF Pioneer Funding.
Acceptance was proposed by M.C. & Seconded by T.I. All unanimously agreed. T. B. gave thanks to D.K.
We will need a new Auditor next year, but that can be done via PCC Meetings.
The Annual Report: compiled and produced by P.H. Copies heave been online and printed copies have been available in Church.
T.B. felt it is a very comprehensive Report & thanked P.H. There are so many articles and we are connecting with others. The church is present. We are the Parish Church: there is Ministry enablement, and we are welcoming.
Acceptance of the Report; proposed by T.I. & Seconded by J.A. All unanimously accepted the Report.
Matters Arising.
Several members complained about our heating System and the fact that a child had sustained a burn recently.
M.B. Pointed out that the question of heating will soon be reviewed by the Diocese.
P.H., as Safeguarding Officer stated that we, as a Parish are committed to Safeguarding young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops Guidance & Policies. She pointed out that she had spent a long time with those who have dealings with young children. All levels of training and DBS, plus Risk Assessments are in place. No child should ever be left on his or her own, and if staff are not present then the parent must be vigilant.
M.B. reinforced this: that Safeguarding is the responsibility of the whole church and that there will soon be further regulations.
Deanery Synod. P.H. has served on Deanery Synod for the last four years and now needs to be elected for the next Triennium. Proposed by D.W. & seconded by L.O.T. Unanimously agreed. T.B. thanked P.H.
Sidesmen will now be elected at PCC Meetings.
AOB. There was no further business.
T.B. paid tribute to John Bonham who had died recently. He had been Church Warden, on PCC, a Server & Sacristan.
Prayers were said.
There was a short PCC Meeting after the APCM.
Members of PCC.
Elected members:
Mark Claydon.
David Kent.
Ravi Natarajan (Deputy Church Warden). elected 3.
David Tibbetts Chaplin-----Organist& Deputy Church Warden. (Office.) 1
The following are ex officio members.
Rev Tony Bushell, Priest in Charge.
Pamela Higham, Church Warden, Authorised Lay
Funeral Minister, Deanery Synod.
Stephen Whitfield, Church Warden.
Rev Wendy Pagden, Pioneer Minister.
Rev Anna Davis, Pioneer Curate.
Penny Bonham LLM.
Morag Bushell LLM.
Clement Arde-Acquah LLM.
8 Non-elected Members.
The date of the next PCC Meeting will be at 7.30pm on 6th June in the Hall, preceded by Communion at 7pm.
Pam Higham, Clerk for APM& APCM,23rd April 2023.