02/07/2024 0 Comments
PCC Minutes (Tree Survey)
PCC Minutes (Tree Survey)
# PCC Minutes

PCC Minutes (Tree Survey)
Instructed by:
Date of visit:
Prepared by:
| St. Albright’s Church, Stanway Tree Condition Survey
Pamela Higham 20th March 2023 J Fryer
Date completed: 29th March 2023
Contact Details John Fryer: 07841 623027
Contents: 1. Introduction
- Methodology
- Tree health and safety audit recommendations
Appendix 1. Limitations of report Appendix 2. Tree survey schedule Appendix 3. Site plan.
JF tree specialist ltd has been appointed to carry out a tree condition survey of the trees within the boundary of St. Albright’s Church, Stanway
The brief is to survey all trees on the designated site and provide specifications for any necessary safety works. A site visit was carried out within the churchyard on 20th March. All observations were made by visual means, without detailed investigations and from ground level only. All dimensions are estimated.
The tree survey includes details of the physiological and structural condition of the trees. From the site visits, recommendations have been outlined with any immediate and future management requirements considering the ‘targets’ (those things, people and property that could be hit by the tree's failure, whether partial or total). All observations are made from within the boundaries of the Churchyard.
Please also refer to Appendix 1. The survey did not excavate around the root plate of any of the trees. If further in-depth investigations are considered necessary, they will be highlighted within the management recommendations of the survey. The report only considers the current condition and health of the trees. An assessment of the risk of subsidence, heave and direct damage to adjacent properties, built structures and drainage is not considered. On-going maintenance such as pruning vegetation away from paths and hedge cutting is not dealt with within this report unless there is a significant risk associated.
All trees above 100mm stem diameter when measured at 1.3m above ground level were surveyed for hazards, plotted on a plan and given a reference number.
The details and work requirements of each tree are given in the schedules for the sites included with this report.
All works necessary have been given priority ratings of low, medium or high.
Tree survey Key
Tree Ref: | The tree number that has been given to the tree or group of trees. T = Single tree. G = Group of trees. H= Hedge, a line of trees |
Species: | This is the general common usage name given to the tree. |
Height: | This is an approximate figure given in meters. Measurements are estimated unless elsewhere stated. |
Girth: | This is an approximate figure given in millimeters of the diameter at 1.3m above ground level presented in increments. |
Age Class: | Y= Young trees aged less than one third of life expectancy. MA= Middle age trees between one to two thirds of life expectancy. M = Mature tree over two thirds of life expectancy. OM= Over mature trees exceeding life expectancy. |
Physiological and Structural Condition and Observations: | These are observations and comments on the visible physiological and structural condition of the tree on the day of the survey. They are brief and relate to unaided observations from the ground. |
Management Recommendatio ns: | These recommendations are drawn from consideration of the structural condition and observations made at the time of the survey. Considerations are also made bearing in mind the need for more detailed inspections to investigate suspected defects and potential wildlife habitats. |
Work Priority | A consideration of the likelihood of the tree or part of the tree to fail, the target and the severity of the impact to come up with the following appropriate response. |
High | priority works should be completed within 3 months of the date of report. |
this | |
Medium | priority works should be completed within 6 months. priority works should be completed within 1 year if funds are
Low |
available |
Records should be kept of the timing and scope of inspections and works carried out to each tree. Re-inspection periods have been designated as every year.
A competent person in accordance with this schedule should carry out future inspections, and works are to be carried out within the timescales specified following the inspections.
All works must be carried out in accordance with BS3998: 2010: Tree Work – Recommendations plus all relevant health and safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
After searching Colchester City council’s online interactive mapping service as of 29th March 2023, there are no tree preservation orders within the site and the site is not within a conservation area. It is advised to check with Colchester Council if there are any other statutory constraints prior to carrying out the work.
All works must adhere to wildlife legislation.
Appendix 1.
Limitations of the Tree Survey and Scope of the Report
Please also refer to sections 1.3 and 1.4 at the beginning of this report.
The survey was based on unaided, visual observations made from ground level only. All observations were made from within the boundaries of the property, or from public land unless otherwise stated. Trees within neighboring property are inspected as closely as is reasonably possible from within the boundaries of the property or public land.
This report focuses on the physiological and structural condition of those tree/s as identified within the instructions or that fall within the parameters as detailed within section 1 of the report.
The report will remain valid for one year from the date of the inspection, but will become invalid if any building works are carried out on the property, soil levels around the trees are altered in any way or tree works other than those recommended within the report are carried out. If any of these occur it is strongly recommended that a new tree inspection be carried out.
The recommendations for the management of trees have been formulated after balancing:
- The need to avoid foreseeable damage and manage risk.
- Other arboricultural considerations – aesthetics, environmental benefits, tree health.
Trees in relation to other Properties
This report/survey only considers the trees in relation to the site as identified. It does not comment on possible effects of trees considered on neighboring properties with regard to possible hazards presented by trees surveyed.
Neighboring owners of trees that are identified as hazardous or posing a possible risk to targets identified should seek their own advice as to possible effects of the recommendations given within this report.
Damage to, or possibility of damage to, any other structure that is not referred to within the report is not considered unless otherwise specified. This includes both neighboring structures and any other structure on the property.
Consideration of the Trees in Relation to Subsidence/ Heave
The report does not consider an assessment of the risk of Subsidence or Heave to any properties, built structures or drainage whether within the bounds of the site considered or adjacent to the site.
Such considerations would be more appropriately considered within a specific report.
Consideration of the Trees in relation to direct damage
The report does not consider direct damage related to tree root growth in relation to any structures whether within the bounds of the site considered or adjacent to the site. Direct damage in this instance is considered to be where the roots of a tree have physical contact with a structure.
Assessment of ‘Targets’ as considered
‘Targets’ are considered as those things, people and property that could be hit by the trees failure, whether partial or total.
These Targets are identified from an evaluation of the site at the time of the survey. Changes to the site from the time of the survey will affect the targets as considered within the report and will require review or re-appraisal of the report.
Timing of the Survey and the Report
The Appraisal and Conclusions within the report are valid only for a year.
Such Appraisals and Conclusions will become invalid or necessary for review if changes occur to the site as considered that affect the condition of the tree, the site as evaluated or the hazards as identified at the time of the survey.
Such considerations will include building works, changes to ground levels or tree works carried out.
Trees subject to statutory controls
It has not been established whether or not any of the trees mentioned within the report are covered by any statutory controls. This can be done if requested.
If the trees are covered by a Tree Preservation Order or are located in a conservation area it will be necessary to consult the local authority before any pruning works, other than certain exemptions, can be carried out.
The works specified above are necessary for reasonable management and should be acceptable to the local authority. However, the local authority may take an alternative point of view and have the option to refuse consent.
Trees are subject to changes outside man’s control
Trees are living organisms subject to changes outside man’s control. Trees and environment alter with the seasons it is as well to inspect trees whilst in full leaf and when out of leaf.
If there are any harsh or unexpected weather conditions, or heavy storms it is also prudent to inspect trees.
Changes to ground water conditions will affect the root growth of a tree. Such changes are not always the result of man’s influence and others factors maybe involved. The conclusions and recommendations in this tree report are only valid for one year
Limitations of use of copyright
All rights in this report are reserved. Its content and format are for the exclusive use of the addressee in dealing with this site. It may not be sold, lent, hired out or divulged to any third party not directly involved in this site without the written consent of J F tree specialist Ltd.