02/07/2024 0 Comments
Prayer Diary for April
Prayer Diary for April
# Church Without Walls

Prayer Diary for April
St Albright’s Church, Stanway. Prayer Diary. April.
1st: We pray for residents of Dawnford Close. Frederick Denison Maurice, priest, teacher of the Faith 1872. He was the Founder of the Christian Socialist Movement, providing education for working men. We give thanks for all opportunities for learning. We pray for local Groups of W.E.A.
2nd: We pray for residents of Ewan Way. We pray for Stanway Parish Council, for all local businesses and for Stane Retail Park
3rd: We pray for residents of Frensham Close. We pray for our Royal family, the Commonwealth and all members of Government.
4th: We pray for residents of King Coel Road. We pray for our local churches: for Bishops, Priests and Lay Ministers.; all who contribute to the life of the church.
5th: We pray for residents of Layer Road. We pray for Stanwell Hub, that those who come will find fellowship and a warm welcome.
6th: We pray for residents of Longstraw Close. We continue to pray for the lonely, the vulnerable, all in Care Homes, especially those in Loganberry Lodge.
7th: We pray for residents of Meadow Grass Close. Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Day. We pray for all who died in concentration camps. We pray for peace and justice and the laying down of weapons.
8th: We pray for the residents of Montbretia Close. May we continue to care for the environment and the beauty of our world.
9th: We pray for residents of Peace Road. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Lutheran Pastor and Martyr, 1906. He was executed in a concentration camp in 1945. He paid the ultimate price for his faithful witness and discipleship.
10th: We pray for residents of Peartree Road. William Law 1686: Priest and Spiritual Writer. His writings influenced John and Charles Wesley. We give thanks for those who have influenced us on our Christian Journey.
11th: We pray for residents of Rambler Close. George Selwyn 1809. He was educated in Cambridge. He was one of the founders of New Zealand and its Church. He was also chief Founder of the Lambeth Conferences of Bishops.
12th: We pray for residents of Rowan Close. William Forbes 1585, first Bishop of Edinburgh. We pray for all areas of conflict, that peace may resume in those troubled areas.
13th: We pray for residents of Rye Close. We pray for all who are fearful, those losing their homes and we pray for those organisations and charities helping refugees.
14th: We pray for residents of Spring Sedge Court. We pray for help, support and housing, especially for those coming to this country from areas of war.
15th: We pray for residents of Stable Close. We pray for those who will be Baptised at St Albright’s this year and for those whose Banns will be called.
16th: We pray for residents of Tollgate Drive. Isabella Gilmore 1842, sister of William Morris. She was a nurse at Guy’s Hospital and was asked to pioneer Deaconess work. The Order of Deaconesses was planned along the lines of Ordained Ministry. We give thanks for Ordained Ministry and earlier Pioneer Ministries.
17th: We pray for residents of Villa Road. We pray for our Tots Group and Brights. We pray for families with young children.
18th: We pray for residents of Wheatfield Road. We pray for those leading and attending Discussion Groups and Bible Study Groups.
19th: We pray for residents of Harvey Crescent. We pray for our local Zoo, for those working in restaurants and on our local farms.
20th: We pray for residents of Winstree Road. We pray for all returning to school or college for exams. We pray for all teachers and students.
21st: We pray for residents of Stanfield Close. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1012. We pray for those who work with children with Special Needs. We pray especially for all who attend and work at Lexden Springs School.
22nd: We pray for residents of Haywain. We pray for those with financial concerns, the unemployed and those who need to visit the Foodbank.
23rd: We pray for residents of Blackberry Road. St George’s Day: Patron Saint of England. We pray for Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Guides, Brownies and Rainbows---especially those groups who meet in our Hall.
24th: We pray for residents of London Road. Mellitus, Bishop of London, first Bishop of St Paul’s and Archbishop of Canterbury 619ad. We pray for those with mental health problems and for those who care for them.
25th: We pray for residents of Church Lane. St Mark, Evangelist. St Mark’s Gospel is generally considered to be the earliest of the Gospels. We pray for all on our prayer list and those who have died recently.
26th: We pray for Stane Leisure Park. We give thanks for our Church Hall, for those who maintain it and for the opportunities of fellowship that take place there.
27th: We pray for residents of Christopher Garnet Chase. Christina Rossetti, 1894. Poet. We give thanks for Authors, Artists, Poets, Musicians. We pray for local choirs, our Church choir and Organist.
28th: We pray for residents of New Farm Road. We give thanks for all the amenities in Stanway, for the Police, Ambulance Service, Medical Profession and Legal Profession.
29th: We pray for residents of Maldon Road. Catherine of Siena, born 1347. She became a Dominican Tertiary at the age of 18 and devoted her life to the active care of the poor and sick. We pray for all in need and those who work in health care.
30th: We pray for residents of Holly Road. Pandita Mary Ramabai, 1858, converted to Christianity and spent many years working for the education of women and orphans, founding schools and homes. May we be grateful for the numerous blessings we receive day by day.
Pamela Higham 01206 768817