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PCC minutes 2nd February 2023
PCC minutes 2nd February 2023
# PCC Minutes

PCC minutes 2nd February 2023
St Albright’s Church, Stanway.
Minutes of PCC Meeting, Held on 2nd February 2023 in St Andrew’s Hall at 7.30pm
Presentation of Christ in the Temple& Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Holy Communion was celebrated at 7pm.
- Rev T. Bushell (T.B.) Chair, welcomed members to the Meeting and Opened with Prayer. (The Alternative Collect for Today.)
- Membership, Attendance, Apologies, Declaration of Interest. Rev Tony Bushell (T.B.) Chair, Pam Higham (P.H.), David Kent (D.K.), David-Tibbetts-Chaplin (D.T.C.), via zoom, Rev Wendy Pagden (W.P.), Steve Whitfield (S.W.), John Bonham (J.B.), Clement Arde-Aqua (C.A.A.), Morag Bushell (M.B.), Ravi Natarajan (R.N.), Mark Claydon (M.C.).
- Minutes of last Meeting (23rd November 2022) already circulated. Approval, proposed by S.W., Seconded by W.P. Approved by P.C.C. (John Bonham pointed out that R.C. had sent apologies for previous meeting)
- Matters Arising and not on the agenda. P.H. Asked for reports for Annual Report by 6th March, so that she and DTC can present a draft report to the meeting on 16th March, prior to A.P.C.M.
Apologies: Penny Bonham (P.B.), Rev A. Davis (A.D.), Rev C. Willis (C.W.). Roxana Chime (R.C.)> resigned.
Edward Benson: absent.
Declaration of Interest: DTC:> Organ, Music, Choir.
P.H. also reported that she had applied for an Energy Cost Grant and St Albright’s has been awarded a grant of £855.00. W.P. proposed thanks to P.H. for this.
5. Standing Committee Report. (Report of 26th January 2023, circulated.)
T.B. Reported:
1. Faculties: The installation of the bench in memory of Lily has been
Approved. Snowy has agreed to do the installation work.
P.H. to send a letter of thanks to Lily’s family.
T.B. to send to DAC for Roof repairs/ waiting for approval from
Archdeacon’s Office.
AED called in for further ingress in Camera System. Need to find a safer place for the box.
W.P. to inquire about fund for increase to Pioneer Staff salaries.
W.P. had also proposed a “Hardship fund” for those finding it difficult to cover bills at this time. J.B. had pointed out that the City Council and County Council have funds. The Parish has no “Discretionary Fund.”
At this point, W.P. added in a suggestion of offering a “Warm Space” ---perhaps on a Wednesday afternoon, when the hall is free. Further thought needed: Hall Committee, Volunteers to “Man” the project, further Safeguarding. C.A.A. felt further outreach from the Church along with Stanwell Hub and coffee mornings, would be good.
Thanks were given to S.W. for clearance of shrubs.
Lychgate Roof:( P.H.)
P.H. reported that all was set to go ahead at the beginning of February, with the grant in place and signed by the Trustees. However, the start was postponed because of large lorries from the site across the road and traffic lights. Then there was theft of some of the tiles (photos shown.)
Await further estimate? Insurance claim? Adjustment of Bid?
(Update since the meeting: Lorries have gone and so have traffic lights. Bayes will keep to original estimate and replace lost tiles at no further cost to us. Work began on 8th February 2023
6: Financial Report (D.K.) Had already reported to Standing Committee and his report was circulated. D.K. explained this further. He reported that it had been a better year than originally forecast. Planned giving is down, as is weekly giving.
Rev J. Chandler is willing to audit the accounts for one year. Proposed W.P. Seconded DTC. Accepted by PCC.
W.P. Proposed thanks to D.K. for all his hard work.
Payroll. The Diocese is ending the facility, so we need to find an organisation that will do it. D.K. has spoken to Stewardship to do the necessary. Their fee will be paid by SDF. Approved, S.W. Seconded, M.C.
7. Pioneer Ministry W.P. W.P. talked about the Church without Walls. (Updated and circulated 18th January 2023.)
She reported that about 1,000 people had been reached.
God is at work and on the move.
We have challenges: the team is on the move, but there is a lack of worshippers coming in.
It is important that the team is seen.
All are in Training: Jo is in Ordinand Training, Claire is training to be an Authorised Youth, Children and Family Worker and Rev A. Davis has been Ordained Priest.
Also thriving are Tots, Messy Church, Place for Grace and Brights.
8. Hall Committee. David Kent circulated the Hall Financial Report for January. Meeting for Hall Committee to be arranged.
9. Deanery and Diocesan Synods. No meetings have taken place since our last PCC.
10. Safeguarding. P.H. reported that the Church of England has updated Confidential Declaration Forms and Associated Privacy Notices. We must now only use 2023 Forms and destroy others. T.B. to personalise these to St Albright’s.
Forms now need to be completed for anyone applying for update DBS in future.
DBS 2019 &2020 now need renewing. Those issued in 2021 to be renewed in 2024.
DBS now only last 3 years.
Have done 2 new DBS recently.
Continue to work with Wendy, Jo and Claire’s activities.
Have mentioned setting up Safety and Risk Assessment Policy (DTC&PH)>Safer Church.
Do Risk Assessment for Various Events (P.H.)
Looking at suitable Radiator Covers. (D.T.C.)
11. Suspension of Living: P. Higham had received a letter from Bishop Roger concerning the proposed renewal of Suspension of the Living of St Albright’s.
Revd T. Bushell explained that originally Magdalen College, Oxford had the right to appoint a vicar to St Albright’s Church. This has been Suspended, with the agreement of the College and the Bishop.
T.B. is Priest in Charge and non-Stipendiary. If the Suspension continues and T.B. retires, the Diocese will reorganise and can reappoint according to plans of development.
PCC concerned about this and would like a meeting with Bishop Roger.
P.H. To write to Bishop Roger. (This done & we await a reply.)
The Meeting ended at 9.50pm with the Grace.
Next Meeting 26th March 2023.
Pam Higham.
PCC Secretary.
9th February 2023.