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PCC Minute 23rd November 2022
PCC Minute 23rd November 2022
# PCC Minutes

PCC Minute 23rd November 2022
St Albright’s Church, Stanway.
Minutes of PCC Meeting
Held on Wednesday 23rd November 2022 in St Andrew’s Hall.
Holy Communion was celebrated at 7pm (on the Feast of Clement, Bishop of Rome, c.100ad.)
1.Opening Prayers and Welcome: Rev T. Bushell. (T.B.) Chair.
2. Attendance: Rev T. Bushell. (T.B.), P. Higham. (P.H.), D. Tibbetts-Chaplin. (D.
T.C.), David Kent. (D.K.), Rev W. Pagden. (W.P.), S. Whitfield. (S.W.), J. Bonham. (J.B.)
Apologies for Absence.
Clement Arde-Aqua, Morag Bushell, Ravi Natarajan, Mark Claydon, Penny Bonham, Rev Anna Davis, Rev Chris Willis.
Absent: Edward Benson.
Declaration of Interest:
D.T.C. Matters concerning organ, choir or music.
3. Minutes of Meeting 28th September 2022. (Already circulated)
Approved by PCC. Proposed: W.P. Seconded: S.W.
4. Matters arising: not covered on the Agenda.
1. Gap on the Rota for opening and locking the Church on Tuesday evenings. S.W. volunteered to cover this.
2. PCC to approve C. Arculus’ Application to be an Authorized Youth and Families’ Worker. W.P. to cover in AOB.
5. Standing Committee Report of 10th November 2022. (Minutes circulated.)
Formal Approval for acceptance of Roof and Tower Repairs.
Estimate £155,645.00. This would take more than 75% of our legacy fund, set aside for Church Repairs. These are becoming urgent.
Acceptance for work to go ahead: proposed by D.T.C. seconded by J.B.
Quote will last for 6 months from September 2022. J.B. to liaise with David Whymark, Church Architect.
T.B.to talk to Sarah Odell at Chelmsford for possible grants for other projects. ACTION: T.B.
S.W. to oversee tending of shrubs.
Lychgate Roof Repair.
P.H. reported that Approval had been received from Archdeacon’s Office. Documents had been signed and sent to Enovert for Trustees signatures. Bayes will complete the work before the required end date. David Whymark will report that the work has been carried out satisfactorily.
New Pathway.
To be step free. More detail required. J.B. to liaise with David Whymark.
W.P. &T.B. to investigate Grant funding. ACTION: W.P.&T.B.
Insurance Claim.
J.B. reported that the claim is nearly ready to submit. Invoice for Organ repair to be submitted to J.B.
D.T.C. to consult Heating Advisor of the Diocese.
6. Financial Report and Budget for 2023. (Already circulated.) D.K.
The draft budget had been presented to the Standing Committee, discussed and accepted-subject to some alterations.
Some transfers from designated funds had been necessary.
D.K. anticipated a deficit on unrestricted funds of £18,000----due to a decrease in Giving, an increase in Expenditure and the Parish Share.
** the Church Community should be made aware of the importance of Giving and proper Stewardship.
Thanks were given to D.K.
P.H. asked if an Independent Examiner of Accounts had been appointed in readiness for APCM. Not yet. ACTION: T.B.
7. Pioneer Ministry. (W.P.)
W.P. Gave a verbal account of Pioneering Ministry activities since the last Meeting.
Rev A. Davis has conducted her first Baptism.
Place for Grace Service held a Remembrance Service.
There is connection with fringe families.
Stanwell Hub is a Charitable Group in the Community.
Bruce’s Crew is a Youth Group held at Anna’s house.
Fortnightly Coffee mornings continue to be well attended.
Thanks were given to W.P.
8. Hall Committee (Minutes Circulated)
T.B. reported on the Minutes.
P.H. added that all Servicing has been carried out. She has kept C.W. and T.I. informed on each date of Maintenance as they are the ones most frequently in the Hall. We will liaise if there are concerns.
9.Deanery and Diocesan Synod. P.H.
At the Diocesan Synod 22nd October 2022, the Bishop of Chelmsford delivered her Presidential Address:
What is our Calling?? In future no initiatives will be imposed from the Centre. Moving on from Transforming Presence and MMUS.> Seek to travel well together.
Covenant for Clergy Care and Wellbeing.
Appointment of next Bishop of Bradwell. Dean of Chelmsford Cathedral returning to Parish work.
Revision of rules for Election to Deanery Synod.
Deanery Synod,12th October 2022. The first part of the Meeting was the Commissioning of the Area Dean, Rev Erwin Lammens and the Appointing of the Assistant Area Dean, Rev Hannah Cooper by the Venerable Ruth Patten, Archdeacon of Colchester.
Speakers for the evening were Michaela Southworth, Diocesan CEO, Chelmsford, followed by Rev John Chandler who summarized what each parish had agreed to pay in Parish Share. Next Meeting 15th March 2022. Thanks to PH.
10. Safeguarding. P.H.
P.H. Reported that she continues to work closely with the Pioneer Team and their various activities----outline plans and risk assessments.
Our Insurance covers these Activities. (Safety measures that are expected) Wendy, Jo and Claire each have a copy of the covering letter.
More DBS checks to be completed, soon.
P.H. will be doing a Zoom training on Domestic Abuse---Introduced by Bishop of Colchester and run by “Safer Places.” Thanks to P.H.
AOB. W.P. Reported that Claire Arculus is applying to the Diocese to be an Authorized Children’s, Youth and Family Worker. PCC Approval required.
7 votes for—unanimous.
Other: Help for Snowy? Move Sundial>heavy? Collection bags instead of plates?? Resume taking elements to the Altar at the Offertory?
Meeting ended at 9pm, with the Grace.
Next Meeting; 2nd February 2023.
Pam Higham. PCC Secretary.