02/07/2024 0 Comments
PCC Meeting 28th September 2022
PCC Meeting 28th September 2022
# PCC Minutes

PCC Meeting 28th September 2022
St Albright’s Church, Stanway.
PCC Meeting, Wednesday 28th September 2022.
7.30pm in the Hall.
Holy Communion celebrated at 7pm on the Eve of the Feast of St Michael and All Angels.
- Revd T. Bushell (T.B.) Chair: Welcomed Members to the meeting and opened with Prayer.
- Attendance: Rev.T. Bushell (T.B.) Chair, P. Higham (P.H.) J. Bonham (J.B.) M. Bushell (M.B.) Rev. W. Pagden (W.P.) R. Chime (R.C.) C. Arde-Aqua (C. A. A.) S. Whitfield (S.W.)> on zoom/remote.
- Minutes of 16th June: circulated. Approved by PCC. Proposed by M.B. and Seconded by J.B.
- Matters Arising: J.B. mentioned concern over Organ Repairs—Item 12 AOB (June Meeting.) Organ Organiser to Estimate and report at next meeting. We need to see some paperwork. ** Item for Agenda for next Meeting.
- Standing Committee:(T.B.) Minutes have already been circulated.
Apologies: for absence. D. Kent (D.K.) D. Tibbetts- Chaplin D.T.C.) Rev A. Davis (A.D.) R. Natarajan (R.J.) M. Claydon (M.C.) Rev C. Willis. (C.W.) Absent: E. Benson (E.B.)
JB: There are outstanding items from Insurance for Water damage.
J.B. Absent but some information sent.
Financial Review (Also covers PCC Meeting, Finance.) D.K. reported that we should be roughly on Budget for September. He anticipated “fall off” in giving in the coming months. Passing of the plate in services will help. Reminders in Services of the importance of Giving. (T.B.)
Card Reader: R.N.& D.T.C. to investigate further.
Review of Heating System; DTC. to investigate further with Heating Engineer. Recommended by our Architect who is also the Diocesan Advisor. Action DTC.
It was noted that the floodlights are on all night. J.B. has previously stated that it was a condition of the grant in 2000 that they remain on. T.B. to investigate if this is still necessary. Action T.B.
At the PCC Meeting J.B. stated that the lights stay on until 3am. The lights also act as security against theft. J.B. will be able to give costing of the present lights in December. J.B. suggested that he would investigate the cost of LED lights and fittings.
W.P. suggested earlier switching off lights. P.C.C. agreed unanimously that we should change to LED lights. Action J.B. to investigate the cost. Do we need a faculty??
PCC to agree that Bimbola’s position be made permanent: --Unanimously agreed.
J.B. Questioned some inaccuracies in bulletins. T.B.& W.P. to check for inaccuracies.
Parish Share: P.H.& D.K. attended a meeting on 30th August 2022 where the new system of allocating the Parish Share was explained. The new proposed figure for Stanway Parish Church is £27,419.00. i.e., £2,032.00 more than the current year. D.K. does not feel we can offer more. This was approved by PCC on 28th September 2022.
Installation of a bench at the Southern boundary in memory of Lilley McKelvey, who died last year, and she is interred in the Churchyard. The family will pay for the bench and installation. PCC approval required.
All approved. Proposed by M.B. and seconded by C.A.A.
Faculty required.
Gutters and roofs cleaned. Removal of shrubs> North Wall. Steve Whitfield and Daniel Guilder. J.B. Questioned Insurance etc of Daniel if he is to be paid. T.B. to talk to Daniel.
Lychgate; emergency repairs have been carried out. A bid has been made for finance. Parish Council will contribute 10% of bid made to Enovert.
PH has written and thanked Parish Council. Hope to hear from Enovert during October.
Churchwardens have met with the Area Dean for the Annual Visitation. Servicing of Boiler, Air Con, Insurance, Oil etc., plus general day to day duties, caring Pastorally for the Congregation and our Clergy.
DTC to talk to J.B. about Water damage>> Matters arising.
6.Pioneer Ministry—W.P. Report already circulated.
W.P. particularly mentioned the youth gatherings in the Summer: at Anna’s house and on open land nearby and the Summer Camp at Dedham, led by Claire.
A place for Grace is a new All Age Service, held on the first Sunday of every month.
Stanwell Hub (Wellbeing Hub) usually attracts about 20 visitors. W.P. reported that they are in the process of becoming a CIO Charity and will hope to move to Lakelands Centre early in 2023. They are looking to grow a group of volunteers and to employ a part time Administration Officer.
Coffee Mornings, fortnightly, in St Andrew’s Hall are thriving, about 25 visitors each time for coffee, cake and chat.
J.B. questioned the opening of the Community Hall and when Services would take place there. W.P. hoped in the New Year. Crossings and Parking to be sorted. Thanks, from M.B.
7.St Andrew’s Hall Committee: Meeting arranged for late October. P.H. has received a request from the Hall Committee that they should be allowed to decide whether to repair the dishwasher or replace it. Agreed.
Proposed by R.C. Seconded by J.B.
8. Deanery Synod: (PH) There has been no actual meeting of Deanery Synod.
T.B., W.P, A.D., P.H., attended a farewell celebration for Rev Canon Paul Norrington, Area Dean on 6th July 2022.
Rev Erwin Lammens will succeed as Area Dean.
30th August, as reported, D.K. and P.H. attended a Meeting concerning the Parish Share. A very clear talk by Rev J. Chandler.
12th October, Revd Erwin Lammens will be commissioned as the new Area Dean.
Michaela Southworth, C.E.O. at Chelmsford will address the Meeting and answer questions, concerning the parish Share.
9: Safeguarding (P.H.) P.H. continues to work closely with Pioneer Leaders and Youth Activities.
P.H. Attended a Safeguarding Service at the Cathedral, the first of its kind. Led by + Guli and full Cathedral Staff. An opportunity to meet some of the Safeguarding Team.
P.H. had this morning, September 28th, 2022, arranged the Insurance for Messy Church for 8th October.
10 AOB.
P.H. is arranging a rota for “Open Church.” ---Some gaps. S.W. volunteered for Opening and Locking on Saturday. C.A.A. Volunteered to lock on a Friday.
Thank you: Rota now complete for Opening and Locking Church during the week.
T.B. Proposed a gift for Rev A. Davis on her Ordination. A Communion Set:> cost about £150. All agreed.
The meeting ended at 9pm with the Grace.
The next Meeting will be on 23rd November2022. (Budget).
Pam Higham PCC Secretary.
October 2022.