02/07/2024 0 Comments
Prayer Diary for February 2023
Prayer Diary for February 2023
# Church Without Walls

Prayer Diary for February 2023
St Albright’s Church, Stanway. Prayer Diary.
1st: We pray for Residents of Coralin Walk. Brigid/or Bride of Kildare. A contemporary of St Patrick. We pray for St Albright’s Tots, Bright’s and our Youth Groups.
2nd: We pray for Residents of Crane Avenue. We pray for the Season of Candlemas when Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple, 40 days after His birth. We pray for people like Anna and Simeon who lead prayerful, devotional lives.
3rd: We pray for Residents of Dove Court. Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary in Sweden and Denmark. 865ad. We pray for Stanwell Hub and Community coffee mornings.
4th: We pray for Residents of Egremont Way. Gilbert of Sempringham. 1189. Founder of the Gilbertine Order. We pray for Prayer Walking in the Parish and for Residents of Loganberry Lodge.
5th: We pray for Residents of Grieves Court. We pray for our Standing Committee, members of the PCC and all who contribute to the life and upkeep of our Church.
6th: We pray for Residents of Gorse Way. We give thanks for the work of the Children’s Society. We pray for our Royal Family.
7th: We pray for residents of Grymes Dyke Way. We pray for the work of Food Banks. We pray for all who are hungry and in need of Food Parcels.
8th: We pray for Residents of Jo Firmin Close. We pray for the ECO Group and for those taking the lead towards Carbon Neutral by 2030.
9th: We pray for Residents of Kestrel Drive. Teilo, Bishop of Wales and Contemporary of David, Patron Saint of Wales. We give thanks for Community Meetings, Courses and the opportunities to share Fellowship together.
10th: We pray for Residents of Warren Lane. Scholastica, Sister of Benedict. 480ad. Founder of Nunneries. We pray for Bishop Guli, Bishop Roger, our Ministry Teams and Parishes throughout the Deanery.
11th: We pray for Residents of Allen Aldridge Drive. We pray for the Nations of the World. We pray for Peace in areas of conflict and disaster. We pray for our Ladies’ Fellowship.
12th: We pray for Residents of Batterham Close. We pray for all who are unwell at home, or in hospital. We pray for those who are on our Prayer List and those who have asked for our prayers.
13th: We pray for Residents of Lakeside Walk. We pray for our outreach to children and young people. We pray for those who will be Baptised this year.
14th: We pray for Residents of Blackberry Court. St Valentine’s Day, Martyr at Rome 269ad. We pray for all who will be married this year.
15th: We pray for Residents of Bridle Way. Sigfrid, Apostle of Sweden, Bishop, 1045ad. Thomas Bray, 1730ad, priest and founder of SPCK. We pray for families with young children. We pray for Teachers and Students on Half Term Holiday.
16th: We pray for Residents of Centaury Close. We pray for friends and families visiting relatives in Residential Homes. We pray for Residents and Carers.
17th: We pray for Residents of Cobble Row. Janani, Archbishop of Uganda 1977.We give thanks for our Organist, Choir and creativity in our Worship.
18th: We pray for Residents of Cowslip Court. Coleman of Lindisfarne, Bishop. Also, Andre Ruben, John Fiesole, Religious Painters. We give thanks for the gifts of Art and Flower Arranging.
19th: We pray for Residents of Dragonfly Drift. Martin Luther, Reformer, 1483. We pray for those suffering Domestic Violence. We pray for Childline, NSPCC and Samaritans.
20th: We pray for Residents of Churchfield Avenue. We remember with thanksgiving those who have died recently. We pray for their families and friends.
21st: We pray for residents of Meadow View Close. We pray for those suffering pain or awaiting Hospital Appointments. We pray for Nurses, Doctors and all Health Workers.
22nd: We pray for Residents of Dugard Avenue. We pray for those finding it hard to cope with increased bills and food prices.
23rd: We pray for Residents of Elephant Way. Polycarp 155ad: one of the first Christian Martyrs. We pray for Hospices, the British Heart Foundation and the Stroke Association.
24th: We pray for Residents of Hampton Park. We pray for all whose work is difficult. We pray for Ambulance Crews, the Police Force and Refuse Collectors.
25th: We pray for Residents of Lacewing Green. We pray for all those working in retail and for those who are in fear of losing their jobs.
26th: We pray for Residents of Nightingale Place. We pray for Members of Synod, as they discuss the challenges ahead for the Church of England.
27th: We pray for Residents of our local Alms Houses. We remember George Herbert who wrote many of our well-known hymns. “Seven whole days, not one in seven, I will praise You.”
28th: We pray for Residents of Oliver’s Lane. During the journey of Lent, may we have the openness to hear what God might be saying to us and the humility to be transformed into our truest selves. Amen.
Pam Higham.
01206 768817.