02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thought for the week - w/b 2nd January
Thought for the week - w/b 2nd January
# Church Without Walls

Thought for the week - w/b 2nd January
Just imagine for a moment, holding God as a baby in your arms. God himself, who chose the vulnerability of being carried and delivered by Mary; of being held and fed and loved by human beings like us, in all our frailty. Love come down at Christmas.
As we look into the eyes of God now, we see this love and vulnerability. We see that God is patient and kind, that he does not boast and that he is not proud. We see that he does not dishonour us and that he is not self-seeking. He is not easily angered and he doesn’t keep a record of our wrongs. He rejoices with truth. He always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres and he never fails. He is our bright morning star, our prince of peace, our hope, and our hearts are restless until they rest in him.
Jesus Christ, God himself, born in vulnerability in a stable made for animals, also died in vulnerability on a cross to save us. It is very likely that he was at eye level as he died – we could have looked into his eyes and we would have seen the same real, authentic love.
Vulnerability and love – Jesus Christ, the King of all the kings and the Lord of all the Lords, chose to live and die like this, because his love is stronger than pride and it is stronger than death.
Right now, Jesus is here in vulnerability and in love. He stands at the door of my heart and yours, he knocks, and he waits for our response. He doesn’t barge in, or demand. He waits.
This Christmas, what is your response? Is there room for him in our hearts and our lives?
A prayer of response:
Lord Jesus Christ, You came to us in vulnerability and in love in your birth and in your death. You are here with me now in the same vulnerability and love, even though you are my king and my God. As you stand at the door and knock, you do not force or control. You wait patiently for my response. Lord, I choose to open the door to you. Be welcome in my life as Lord and King and as my closest friend and brother. Thank you for your authentic love which never leaves me. May your love be real to me this Christmas and always. Amen.