02/07/2024 0 Comments
Prayer Diary for September
Prayer Diary for September
# Church Without Walls

Prayer Diary for September
St Albright’s Church, Stanway.
Prayer Diary September.
1st: We pray for residents of Layer Rd. Giles of Provence, Hermit. Died 710ad.We pray for the care of creation. We pray for an end of violence on our streets and in our homes.
2nd: We pray for residents of Allen Aldridge Close. Martyrs of Papua New Guinea, 1901&1942. We pray for the Deanery of Colchester and members of Deanery Synod.
3rd: We pray for residents of Christopher Garnett Close. Gregory, Bishop of Rome 604ad. Merchant Navy Day. We pray for areas of the world suffering from wildfires, earthquakes and flooding.
4th: We pray for residents of Church Lane. Birinus, 650ad. Apostle of the West Saxons. We give thanks for the gifts of language and music, for musicians and linguists.
5th: We pray for residents of Lucy Lane. We pray for those preparing for marriage and for those who will be married in St Albright’s Church. We pray for Bright’s, a Place for Grace and Pioneer Ministry.
6th: We pray for residents of Crossbill Walk. We pray for schools at the beginning of a new school year, especially those in our Parish. We pray for teachers, assistants and governors. We pray especially for pupils who are changing schools.
7th: We pray for residents of Finch Rd. We pray for our Tots Group, all who will be Baptised and all children in the Parish. We pray for families who have recently moved to the Parish.
8th: We pray for residents of Harrison’s Walk. Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary—Chosen to be the Mother of Jesus. We pray for all mothers and family life. We pray for those who do not have a happy home.
9th: We pray for residents of Kestrel Drive. We give thanks for Food Banks and Citizens’ Advice Bureau. We give thanks for those who contribute to Food Banks.
10th: We pray for residents of Martin Hunt Close. We pray for Fundraising for Historic Churches Trusts. We pray for all in our Parish Alms Houses and the Trustees. We pray for staff and residents of Loganberry Lodge and all who are in Care Homes or hospital.
11th: We pray for residents of Moorhen Drift. We pray for all who feel isolated, all who feel cut off from others and all who have Mental Health Issues.
12th: We pray for residents of Albertine Close. We pray for all involved in pre school groups. We give thanks for the education we have received. We give thanks for sports achievements and the coaches who encourage our teams.
13th: We pray for residents of Nuthatch Chase. John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople 407ad. A brilliant preacher. We pray for our bishops, priests and all who have a ministry in the Church.
14th: We pray for residents of Partridge Way. Holy Cross Day. The cross is the universal symbol of Christianity. Helena, mother of the emperor, is said to have uncovered the Cross of Christ. Helena is also the Patron saint of Colchester. We pray for our town, the mayor and local Council Officers.
15th: We pray for residents of Peter Crowe Approach. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage. Martyr 258ad. A lawyer before his conversion. We pray for all who work in the legal professions.
16th: We pray for residents of Pipit Court. We pray for other Christian communities in Stanway. We pray for students preparing to leave home for the first time for College or University.
17th: We pray for residents of Plover Road. Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen, Visionary 1179. We pray for Eco Church and the Stanway Environment Group.
18th: We pray for residents of Redshank Road. We pray for the Diocese Youth Synod and the work of CYO Pastors in our schools—especially their current work on the Mental Health Crisis for young people.
19th: We pray for residents of Coralin Walk. We pray for peace among the nations. We pray for all members of the Royal Family.
20th: We pray for residents of Redwing Close. We pray for all Saints, Missionaries and Martyrs. We pray for our Government and Leaders of the Nations.
21st: We pray for residents of Reginald Hilham Walk. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist (formerly a Tax Collector.) International Day of Peace.
22nd: We pray for residents of Crane Ave. Ember Day. We pray for those discerning their calling within Church Ministry.
23rd: We pray for residents of Rook End. Eunan, Abbot of Iona.624ad. We pray for those who look after our Hall and those who serve coffee after the services.
24th: We pray for residents of Skylark Way. Ember Day. We pray for the work of Beacon House and Open Door, which provide outreach for vulnerable and homeless people in Colchester.
25th: We pray for residents of Wagtail Mews. Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester. 1626. We pray for our Church Wardens and all members of the PCC.
26th: We pray for residents of Peace Road. We pray for the work of Hospices, that bring relief and comfort to patients and families. We pray especially for St Helena hospice in Colchester. We pray for Cancer Support Teams.
27th: We pray for residents of Warbler Grove. Vincent de Paul, 1609-1660. He worked for the relief of slaves, victims of war, the poor and groups of needy people.
28th: We pray for residents of Wesley Sanford Road. We pray for those facing death, for those mourning for their loved ones and for those living with increasing pain.
29th: We pray for residents of Stonechat Drive. Feast of St Michael and all Angels. Michaelmas---we pray for the harvest. (DO not bramble after 29th—the fruits turn sour!)
30th: We pray for residents of Churchfield Ave. Jerome, Translator of the Scriptures. Died 420ad. We give thanks that we can read the Bible in our own language—thanks to the skills of translators.
Pam Higham. 01206 768817.