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APCM Meeting 22nd May 2022
APCM Meeting 22nd May 2022
# PCC Minutes

APCM Meeting 22nd May 2022
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting,
St Albright’s Church, Stanway. Sunday 22nd May 2022. 12noon in St Andrew’s Hall.
Annual Parish Meeting.
Revd. T. Bushell (T.B.) in the Chair, greeted those attending.
Those present at both meetings (APM and APCM) were:
Revd. T. Bushell (T.B.) Chair, Joan Alexander (J.A.), Dorothy Williams (D.W.), Audrey Dakin (A.D.), Trevor Ireland (T.I.), Kay Ireland (K.I.), June Windsor (J.W.), Tony Windsor (T.W.), Lusia Dixon (L.D.),D. Barron (D.B.), David Tibbetts-Chaplin (D.T.C), Morag Bushell (M.B.), Jenny Hiett-Smith (J.H.S.), Jenny Wren (J.W.), Colin Wren (C.W.), David Kent (D.K.), Mark Claydon (M.C.), Clement Arde-Acquah (C.A.A.), Joanne Jeffrey (J.J.), Rev. Chris Willis C.W.), Rev. Wendy Pagden (W.P.), Pam Higham (P.H.), Kevin& Sandra Francis (K.F., S.F.) (24)
The Chairman (T.B.) opened the Meeting with Prayer and a Reading which reminded us of our purpose, namely: love for the people of the Parish, care, grace, service, ministering and proclaiming God’s Word. He welcomed all attending the meeting.
The Meeting appointed Pam Higham (P.H.) as Clerk to take the Minutes of both Meetings. Proposed by W.P. and Seconded by J.W.
Apologies for Absence were received from Penny and John Bonham, Ravi Natarajan and Stephen Whitfield, Ann Booty, Dorothy Jameson.
The Minutes of the previous Parish Meeting held on 25th April 2021 were agreed and accepted. Proposed by D.T.C. and seconded by M.C.
There were no Matters arising from the Minutes.
Election of Churchwardens for 2022/2023. J.B. is retiring after 6 years as Churchwarden. T.B. expressed thanks to John for all his hard work: “he had been a rock.” John had continued to work hard behind the scenes, even if not able to return to church (for health reasons). He deserves public recognition. T.B. also paid tribute to D.T.C. and gave thanks for all his hard work
There were two nominations for the Election of Churchwardens for 2022/2023,
DTC. David Tibbetts- Chaplin and P.H. Pam Higham. Both were duly elected for 2022/2023.
The Role of Deputy Churchwarden is not an official role, but Ravi Natarajan has volunteered. He will be Deputy Churchwarden for 2022/2023.
The Annual Parish Meeting Closed at 12.30pm.
Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting
The Chairman (T.B.) Convened the APCM.
Those present were the same as those for the APM.
Apologies for absence were the same as the APM.
The Minutes of the previous APCM Meeting (April 25th2021) had been circulated and were accepted. Thanks were given to J.B for producing the Report. Proposed by C.W. and seconded by D.T.C.
There were no Matters Arising.
The Electoral Roll had been updated and displayed. M.C. Electoral Roll Officer reported that the Roll had been updated and that there were now 82 0n Roll. The next full review of the Roll will be in 2026. There were no objections. M.C. is happy to continue as Electoral Roll Officer. T.B. thanked him for his work.
Financial Statements. D.K. Church Treasurer reported that income was still below pre Covid. Giving is improving. There have been heavy bills for fabric. Funds looking OK. M.B. thanked D.K. for putting in an Insurance Claim and W.P. thanked him for his work with the SDF Pioneer Funds.
Acceptance of Report Proposed by J.A. and Seconded by T.I. Unanimous acceptance and T.B. thanked D.K. for his hard work.
Annual reports which had been circulated previously were agreed. T.B. gave thanks to all who had prepared reports. He felt that there is huge variety and that the Church had grown in so many ways.
W.P., as Pioneer Minister stressed the importance of taking the Gospel into the Community and outlined the growing presence in the Community, with Community Coffee mornings, Bright’s, Messy Church, Stanwell Hub, Youth Alpha Group and Camp.
M.C. Gave thanks for Services online. They are much appreciated.
C.A.A. Appreciated other courses online, especially Bible Studies on a Tuesday afternoon.
C.W. Although Parish Curate, expressed the feeling that the essential of Ministry and Pioneering is to take the Gospel out to the people.
The Reports were accepted. Proposed by JHS and Seconded by CAA.
Deanery Synod. P.H. was elected in 2020 for three years to represent the Parish. This Office continues. P.H enjoys the Synod Meetings. It is a good opportunity for Networking and there have been interesting talks from visiting speakers. PH. Mentioned an Open Meeting of Synod to be held at St John’s Church on 15th June. Bishop Guli, Bishop of Chelmsford will be coming and will answer questions from the Deanery. P.H. hopes people will be encouraged to attend.
T.B. Gave thanks and stressed the importance of networking with other Parishes.
There were 7 elected members of PCC after the Meeting April 25th, 2021.
Ann Booty has resigned, and John Bonham has been elected. (2022.) Ex officio members of PCC are Clergy, Church Wardens and Lay Ministers.
T.B. Thanked members of PCC for their work.
Sidesmen for 2022/23.
Rita Bishop, Mark Claydon, Doreen Hales, Joy Sparkes, Marion Valentine.
The above list was approved, and others can be added at PCC Meetings.
M.B. addressed the value of Sidesmen in welcoming, showing people to seats, giving books and making newcomers feel welcome.
Independent Examiner. John Porter is standing down. T.B. expressed thanks to John for his help over many years. No appointment has been made---but this can be done through PCC.
Electoral Roll Officer. M.C. has already indicated his willingness to continue.
J. Alexander expressed that a vote of thanks should be given to Snowy Barron for his work in the Graveyard and that he should have a new strimmer. S. B. to source and borrow from T.I. in the meantime.
Lusia is concerned that someone should be with S. B. when he is working in the graveyard.
S.B. said that it is difficult to mow between the graves.
Action: Church Warden (D.T.C.) to get advice from the Diocese on kerbstones around graves.
T.B. said people comment on how well kept the graveyard is.
Lusia also said that people are asking to use S. B.’s toilet because hall toilets are not open. We cannot keep hall toilets open all the time. Suggest going to Garden Centre.
The Meeting concluded with the Grace.
Pam Higham.
Clerk for The Annual Parish Meeting.
The Annual Parochial Meeting.
22nd May 2022.