02/07/2024 0 Comments
PCC Election
PCC Election
PCC Election
# PCC Minutes
Published by Bimbola Adediran on Monday, 18 July 2022 12:19

PCC Election
At a Meeting of the PCC immediately after the APCM, the following elections were made:
The Rev Tony Bushell Chairman.
David Tibbetts- Chaplin Vice-Chairman.
Pam Higham PCC Secretary.
David Kent Treasurer.
Pam Higham Safeguarding Officer.
Standing Committee.
The Rev Tony Bushell (Chairman)
David Tibbetts- Chaplin.
Pamela Higham.
Rev Wendy Pagden.
David Kent.
Ravi Natarajan.
John Bonham.
(Meeting 9th June at 6pm via Zoom.)