02/07/2024 0 Comments
PCC Minutes 16th June 2022 (Corpus Christi)
PCC Minutes 16th June 2022 (Corpus Christi)
# PCC Minutes

PCC Minutes 16th June 2022 (Corpus Christi)
Minutes of PCC Meeting 16th June 2022 (Corpus Christi)
St Albright’s Church, Stanway. 7.30pm in the Hall
Holy Communion was celebrated at 7pm.
- Rev T. Bushell (T.B.) Chair, welcomed members to the Meeting. He opened with prayer and the collect for Trinity Sunday, asking for God’s Guidance.
- Attendance: Rev Bushell (T.B.) Chair, John Bonham (J.B.), David Tibbetts-Chaplin (DTC), Morag Bushell (M.B.), David Kent (D.K.), Rev W. Pagden (W.P.), Pam Higham (P.H.), Roxana Chime (R.C.).
- Apologies for Absence: Penny Bonham, Rev Chris Willis, Rev A. Davis, Ravi Natarajan, Mark Claydon, Stephen Whitfield, Clement Arde- Aqua.
- Minutes of Meetings of 23rd March and 22nd May already circulated. Approved D.T.C. and W.P.
- No Matters Arising.
- Standing Committee: (Minutes circulated 9th June 2020)
Absent: Edward Benson.
Declaration of Interest: D.T.C. on Matters concerning the Choir, Organ and Music.
Correspondence: P.H. has written to John Porter to thank him on his retirement as our Auditor.
Report from Diocesan Advisory Committee, 12th May 2020. Roof and Tower repairs discussed and approved. David Whybrow(Architect) has now drawn up a schedule of works and sent to three contractors for quotes. Work unlikely to start before next Summer.
Lychgate: The wooden gate needs repair and there are some loose tiles on the roof. As this is a Parish War Memorial, it was thought that this was the responsibility of the Parish Council. W.P. contact Donna, Parish Council.
J.B. spoke about events with other churches and insurance. Messy Church with Stanway Evangelical: our insurance will not cover. W.P. to investigate separate policies for these events.
7. Financial update:(D.K.) DK reported that we are roughly online with
Budget. Tax rebate in July. Legacy £210.000. No major expenses. SDF
has come through. DTC said Organ needs retuning.
8.Pioneer Ministry: (W.P.)
Looking into changes for Rise and Shine. Forest Service in July. Pet Service at Zoo in August. Anna looking into a group for older children. Messy Church every 2 months attracts over 100 people. Good relationship with Stanway Parish Council and Church is very present in the Community.
DTC questioned 3rd Sunday Family Communion>not informal enough for young and too informal for regular congregation.
M.B. congratulated W.P. on the variety of activities. A youth evening service will be introduced in September.
9: St Andrew’s Hall: No further update.
10: Deanery & Diocesan Synod: (P.H.)
The main item at Diocesan Synod was the formula being used to calculate the costs of Shared Parish Ministry and costs at Deanery level. The amount suggested by Diocesan Office for each parish will vary, based on economic deprivation, geographic range of parish, as well as Ministry provision within the parish.
There was further discussion on how we build well on the past and move forward seeking the common good.
At Deanery Synod, we welcomed Bishop Guli who gave a full account of her life—born in Iran and witnessing the murder of her brother. She came to England as a refugee. She trained as a musician, worked for the BBC and then trained for Ordination and now called to her present position as Bishop of Chelmsford. She answered some questions. We prayed for her and Rev Canon Paul Norrington who is soon to retire.
11. Safeguarding: (P.H.)
A full report was submitted for APCM (May 2022.)
PH. has met with Rev A. Davis to discuss arrangements for the end of Alpha Camp. (April10th 2022.) P.H. has a copy of the programme. All Leaders have D.B.S. check and Safeguarding training.
P.H involved with Jo in the lead up to Messy Church on 2nd June 2022. The programme outline was discussed. It is anticipated that more D.B.S. checks will be needed before the Autumn.
12. A.O.B.
D.T.C. stated that organ repairs are needed. £5760+vat. Approved and Seconded. W.P & M.B.
The meeting ended with the Grace at 21.40.
Next Meeting 28th September 2022.
Pam Higham,
PCC Secretary, July 2022.